Jun 27, 2023
In this episode, Anne is joined by vocal health expert Nic
Redman to unlock the key to vocal mastery. Together, they delve
into the significance of warm-ups, breath control, and overcoming
imposter syndrome. Discover the holistic approach to warming up
that saves time, enhances performance, and ensures the longevity of
your voice. Explore the vital role breath plays in voiceover and
gain techniques to master longer phrases while maintaining the
sentence and breath system. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate
your voice and take your skills to the next level.
0:00:01 - Anne
Hey everyone, welcome to the VO Boss podcast. I'm your host, Anne
Ganguzza, and today I'm excited to welcome podcaster, voiceover
actor, speaking and recording coach, Nic Redman, to the podcast.
Hey, Nic, how are you? I'm so delighted to be back. Yes, i love
gosh. I've had you and also Leah from the VO Social podcast
voiceover social podcast a couple of times already and now I get to
have you all to myself.
0:00:31 - Nic
Yeah, we don't need Leah to have a good time. We can do this on our
0:00:35 - Anne
There we go, and absolutely So. I've been dying to talk to you
about your, what I, what I feel is your specialty. You are like the
guru of vocal health and I have been wanting to talk to you about
that for quite some time, and I know that our boss listeners will
have such value out of the wisdom that you have to share about
vocal health.
So, thank you, thank you, thank you. So let's start, and actually I
will say that you know, i rushed into my booth this morning and I
did not warm up. And I am speaking and I want my voice to be in tip
top shape and I know that everybody always says well, what you
know, what vocal warm up should I do and are they, are they
important and what can they do to help me get into tip top
performance shape?
0:01:26 - Nic
Right. So first thing in the morning there's a couple of things I
think are really important and also just a dispel if you miss that
kind of put people off, warm ups, i think as well. Sometimes, you
know, because people are like oh, i don't have time to warm up. I
don't know what to do. Like my voice is fine, I don't need to warm
up Like there's. You know, I hear all of the excuses on all of the
0:01:47 - Anne
I'm sure you do. It's like. It's like getting on the exercise bike.
Right, i'm going to do what I'm going to do and I know it's good
for me, but I don't do it. So let's talk about why we
0:01:57 - Nic
So the thing about a warm up is it's about preparing you to be like
the best you can be as a speaker. That's basically it You might be
able to get. I mean, we all speak without warming up every day,
like that's just life I can communicate with my husband, i can talk
to my child and whatever emotion that requires at the
0:02:14 - Anne
I can order coffee, You know I can.
0:02:16 - Nic
I can do what I need to do And I could. But the thing about a warm
up is when you're let's call it an elite vocal performer like all
your listeners is that it's good, isn't?
0:02:25 - Anne
it, i'm an elite vocal performer. Elite vocal performer? Yes, you
0:02:30 - Nic
It's that. It's that you kind of find something extra right, and
also you've sometimes got to speak in a way that is maybe slightly
outside of your habitual place, like if you're in a really excited
read or a really kind of sensual read or a video game or a
character or something that even requires you, for example, audio
book narrators. They have all of my respect.
They have to record for like thousands of hours for like days and
then read another book in the evening and then do another book. I
mean, like it's insane. So elite vocal performers have to find
something else, and I think that something else can just be
longevity and consistency, you know, and a healthy voice that will
be there for you and sound the same in the morning as it does in
the afternoon or the evening, or that something else could be going
outside your comfort range to play a really big character, or do
loads of grunts or something that's just
The thing about what a warm up does is helps you prepare for that.
So the main things to focus on for a warm up are the fact that it's
like for me, more than about just tongue twisters, and clarity,
because that seems to be where a lot of people start like I need to
warm up, peter Piper, peter Piper, peter Piper, peter Piper, and
like sure, that's that's the first place they go. So what I
advocate for because that's what I was trained as as a voice
practitioner and as a performer is like a full body, holistic body,
mind, breath approach. That being said, still doesn't have to take
very long, and so it's all about remembering that you do have a
body underneath your larynx, so that needs a little bit of like
yes, yeah, i'm well done.
Can you imagine if we were all floating larynxes Like I feel like
that would actually be quite nice for me because I love larynx, but
I like the visual, I think yeah just a little larynx on feet
floating around, just floating.
So it's about getting the body, the breath, even your head, in the
game a wee bit. And that's what I love about warm ups is that you
can use them. And this is my sort of, this is my current soapbox is
that you know when people say, well, I don't have time to warm up,
It's for it doesn't have to take a long time.
So five to 10 minutes of the right exercises, because often people
are doing things that aren't the most efficient for their voice.
And secondly, your warm up can actually save you time. And it does
save you time Because if you take five to 10 minutes to warm up
before you start, you will trip up over less
0:04:51 - Anne
So you will have less editing or let's pick up. That's important,
so important. Would you see editing, yes, please. Oh my God, i mean
really, i think that's all there. I remember when I had my first
you know stack, that someone prepared for me that I could apply to
my audio file And I was like, oh my God, i just saved so much time.
If I can save even more time on me at my editing, oh my gosh, i can
do more jobs and be happier, that's for sure.
0:05:15 - Nic
So it saves you time because you don't have to do like pickups
because you trip over your tongue. She says tripping up over her
0:05:20 - Anne
That always happens.
0:05:22 - Nic
I mean the irony of all that, that's my that's me taking the Mickey
out of myself. Like you know what I mean posture syndrome. Like you
think you're so good at this, i'm going to show
0:05:33 - Anne
No, you have to give a viable example.
0:05:35 - Nic
So I probably the problem.
0:05:37 - Anne
And that's interesting because I will say that I know that when
okay, before I was a voice actor, I I taught and so I worked at a
school and I would do these day long seminars or day long workshops
where I would have to use my voice and I would absolutely be
feeling it by the end of the day, And I'm quite sure that it is a
muscle and that it needs to be worked. And especially because I do
a lot of narration I don't do audio books, but I do a lot of e
learning, I do a lot of corporate narration And I'm always talking
to my students that it is a muscle that needs to be worked And it
gosh. It would really help to not trip up so much. Right, I'm
always say be more efficient in the booth, So you have to spend the
less time editing.
Yeah, that way, get it right in the booth, and so I can totally see
that. And I will say that sometimes I'm doing other things like
marketing, or I'm coaching or doing other things, and by the time I
get to those auditions late at night because I think my, i think
all of my agents are in cahoots with one another because they send
me these auditions late at night at the end of the day And I am so
tired And I will notice sometimes my jaw gets a little bit sore And
I'm like there's got to be something here that I'm doing that is
not right. That's making my jaw sore, like I'm holding tension
somehow somewhere in my jaw.
0:06:56 - Nic
Yeah, there's loads of different things that we can play around
with to sort of minimize those little niggles that creep up,
because sometimes those niggles, over a period of time, become
something that's much more sort of Much more of an issue, you know.
So, yeah, we can talk to you about John, we can have a little
release, but just before we do it, in terms of the warm-up and the
why, yeah, save your time, because the tongue trip ups also. Save
your time because and, if you like, do some exercises to release
tension. Like you said, the jaw, the tongue, the lips, the Throat,
the body get the breath moving. Play with your range as well, so
you get lots of vocal color and expression in there. Then, when you
get to your script and you are thinking about What you've got to
say and the lines are there and who you've got to communicate with
and all that kind of stuff, all you have to worry about is the
words and the person that you're talking to.
You don't have to think about your voice, right you don't have to
think about being interesting and changing color and doing weird
things with pitch and weird, strange things with the prosody To
make it sound interesting. Because that's one of my bug bears
sometimes with voiceovers is I feel like they're trying too hard to
make Their voices sound interesting, yes, instead of focusing on
the listener. So like what? I love about a warm-up is that when you
give someone really a really simple warm-up, it prepares them and
frees everything up so that their voice goes wherever their
intention needs it to in order to communicate the
0:08:14 - Anne
So I don't see your time. I love that and I and I love the fact
that that you mentioned that People they tend to to try to sound
like you know, or predict what people want them to sound like. So
they're trying to do all these Like vocal acrobatics when in
reality, we just need to be, we have to have intention and we and
we need that intention to be able to Not betray us when we want to
express an emotion. In that, and I feel that, yes, having not to
have to listen or worry about your voice, you know, not necessarily
being there for you, i think is is amazing. So I love how you've
turned it into not like something that's like, oh god, i have to do
a vocal warm-up into how it really truly helps your performance and
I think, really to be a better actor, right Yeah
0:09:03 - Nic
It's just prepping all the bit so that they're go where you need
them to go without you thinking about them.
That's what you know the right kind of muscle memory and prepping
everything and also, like my approach is about making it like fun
and interesting and nice. So I'm making it quick and easy and
something that sort of slots into your routine and can become a
habit. And the other thing I said it came across recently as a bit
of a warm-up is useful because theory is that, because it works on
the body And the breath, and I always advocate a wee mindful minute
before you start, just to focus on what your body needs and what
your breath feels like it needs And how your voice is feeling
It is actually almost like a wee bit of a mindfulness practice or a
mental health practice as well. So if you're someone who likes a
bit of meditation or body work or breath work in the morning, You
can incorporate all that into your warm-up and then you're getting
like two or three birds with one stone.
0:09:52 - Anne
Yeah yeah, and I think, in addition to the vocal work, the breath
work too is so important And that is part of a good vocal warm-up,
i assume in your, in your, in your recommendations, because I feel
like for me, i, you know, a while ago I had a health issue and had
surgery and I wasn't able to breathe as well because it's surgery
in my chest area And I noticed that I had to start learning how to
really breathe and take Diaphragmatic breaths, like big, deep
breaths, and the really cool thing about that is that, yes, i
healed, but also it allowed me to really understand how powerful
breathing is to my performance and how power especially when you're
doing long Format and when the copy isn't necessarily written
pretty or written well, yeah, when the copies all over the place
and you need to be able to execute that effortlessly That is where
a good, strong breath is so empowering, really truly empowering,
more so than I ever imagined.
So in a way, it was good that I kind of learned that I needed to
breathe and how much power it could really give me for my
0:11:03 - Nic
Yeah, I think one of the things that excites me about breath is
0:11:12 - Anne
I thought maybe yeah, yeah, well, you know, that's what happened,
he's fine Breath yes, yes I love working on
0:11:23 - Nic
It's one of my favorite things, particularly with voiceovers,
because there are some like interesting misconceptions and
hangovers from like earlier breath Dementorologies in voice world
that that make breathing for that make people who are doing
voiceover sort of have to seem like they have to work A bit harder
because they don't quite understand what's going on with the
breath. Sure, so what? so what I work with in terms of breath is I
I don't I kind of get people to forget about the diaphragm
Okay because every breath is diaphragmatic, right, it's the primary
muscle of breathing. So you can't, you can't not breathe with your
diaphragm. So it's kind of a semantics with the language in one
0:12:02 - Anne
But well, maybe I was, maybe I was meaning deep breath. Yeah,
exactly, okay, Okay.
0:12:07 - Nic
Yeah, so like got it. So what I might? when, when people come to me
and they say I need to breathe from or with they're using my
diaphragm, what I find they're trying they're trying to, they're
trying to do it rather than letting it happen, and what that leads
to is people trying to breathe through their belly or Deep and all
that kind of stuff, and that leads to engagement of muscles that
don't need to be used. Ah, so so what I advocate for and tend to
explore is Just is release and flow and movement, because Big
breaths are great for, you know, long phrases sometimes and For,
sometimes for powerful stuff, if that's what you need. But also,
similarly, breath is as much about knowing that sometimes you only
need a little breath or you only need a medium-sized breath,
because actually what we need is the right amount of breath for the
sentence We've got to say no more, no less, and that in itself is
sort of an interesting skill to play with in a
So all the work I do around breath is like Diver from be gone Okay,
and just work on release of the belly, a little bit of gentle
engagement on the out breath and on the voice And just
understanding what you're capable of. Really breath like my big
love, love, love breath.
0:13:19 - Anne
I. So that just that intrigues me, because I I'm always talking
about when, when you have that long run-on sentence right, and a
Voice talent doesn't necessarily anticipate it, and they run out of
breath at the weird part, right at the part where it doesn't sound
natural. I'm always trying to get them to kind of you know, read
ahead, understand where you might need to breathe in order to make
that sound natural. How does that come into play with your
0:13:48 - Nic
Yeah, so. So my thing is making sure that the breath system is
responsive enough and free enough to breathe quickly when those
little top ups are needed quickly and easily and silently, and
silently When those little top ups are needed, because I know that
often in voiceover there are various things that get in the way of
feeling like you know how much type of breath you even need Right.
Or you know you're halfway through ascending and you realize it's
four times longer than you thought it was going to be Right,
absolutely Right absolutely So.
there's a really interesting thing about breath whereby, when we're
talking in conversation to our mates, right, we don't run out of
breath. Our body knows how much breath we need for the thought, but
when you're working with other people's thoughts, in voiceover you
don't know where they fucking end Like in.
Some of them are, like you say, not written very well, so you could
be halfway through and you suddenly realize it's like loads longer
than it needs to be. But ultimately, as long as we're like engaged
and connected to the words and what we have to say, that ascending
is going to sort of be as long as it wants. As long as our breath
is free and we know which bits to release when we need the breath
to come in to top up for us, and you keep that intention of that
thought in the background until the end, you can sort of breathe as
much as you want. The reason I think this is important and crucial
is because sometimes voiceovers push, push, push, push right to the
end of a thought, and then everything gets a little bit kind of
like tense.
0:15:10 - Anne
Yeah, and it's not good for your breath and it feels horrible And
it doesn't sound connected. It sounds like, oh my God, I'm going to
run out of breath. Yeah, And the list? it doesn't
0:15:19 - Nic
It's not nice for the listener. anyway, sure. But, us as, as social
listeners, we are used to hearing really long meandering thoughts
with our friends and our on our family. Like we're used to people
starting a thought and not really knowing where it's going, and
then they breathe a bit to top up and then they go off in another
direction And we stay with them because we're interested and
because their intention is true, like they want to tell us the
thing right.
So the theory is sort of the same, with voiceover for me, that the
sentence can be as long as a sentence in fact needs to be As long
as you are, like, committed to communicating that sentence and the
breath system behind it is free to respond and be flexible and and
fill it when you need to, then that's okay, so, yeah, so I work a
lot with helping people understand how to get the breath in nice
and, quickly and silently, how to support the breath when they need
to. Also how to know where the point is Sure That they need to top
0:16:11 - Anne
That makes sense, like the organization of the
0:16:14 - Nic
Yeah, like we speak.
0:16:15 - Anne
I always when I'm, when I'm talking to my students, i'm like look,
we don't. You don't hear us breathe when we're talking to to one
another. We're basically breathing before we start talking, maybe
after we finish talking, and then where there's commas or intended
commas, and so that's typically where I say you've got to figure
out where that breath goes. If it's super long, just kind of
organize the thought and then speak that thought. I mean, that's,
if you're in that scene, you'll speak the thought without
necessarily, you know, running out of breath in the middle of it.
Now I'm so conscious of my breathing right now I'm like it's
beautiful And you're doing great because, look, you're
0:16:51 - Nic
Yeah, right, that's why you're alive and you're making voices
perfect. Yeah, i interviewed Barbara Housman for my for the voice
quits podcast one of my podcasts And she's this remarkable voice
practitioner I have a massive. I've worked with her on and off for
years and I train with her at drama school and stuff And she's
amazing And she always says well, this is what she said to me was
because there used to be a thought in kind of drama training that
was like one breath, one thought, one breath one
And then you look at Shakespeare and the thoughts are like 19
sentences long.
0:17:20 - Anne
This is never going to work.
0:17:22 - Nic
So she reframed it for me and she said it's not about it being one
breath, It's about it being one thought.
So like I can keep that thought going and breathe wherever I need
to, because breath is part of the communication as well. Now, i
know for some types of voiceover you have to take the breath out
and it's like fine, although I feel like with the event, like this
AI nod. So this is going on. We need the breath because it's real
and human. But that's just, that's just me. But, like you can, as
long as you, as long as you really know that you need to say the
words, you need to communicate the thing and you need to affect the
person listening, you can let the breath come in whenever you want
to, as long as it's very easy. So so that's what I work on. I work
a lot on making the breath easy, responsive, habitual and kind of
instinctive. I try and take people back a lot to noticing breath
completely at rest, and then we build up from there and then we
build on sound and then we build on thought lengths and things like
0:18:16 - Anne
So, yeah, love it, wow, breath by breath. So so, in addition to
breath being incredibly important when we're talking about
performance in an extreme emotion or extreme, let's say, in video
games, or we're having something that's highly emotional, where we
have to probably utilize our voice more than a normal conversation
level, what are your tips for helping? like you know, i don't want
to scream the night before I have to record, maybe because I don't
want to hurt my voice, or, you know, a lot of times people are like
well, don't, you know, don't cough, like try to like clear your
breath, or like gently, and there's so many different things that
people tell you to do to kind of preserve your voice What sort,
what tips do you have for?
0:19:04 - Nic
that. So for extreme sessions, definitely a full body warm up And I
would also put in place some sort of mid session resets. So two or
three minutes of release exercises for the body and the vocal
tract, so the throat, the tongue, the lips and the jaw and things
every every, you know, half an hour or so. Just ask for a couple of
minutes just to reset things so that if any strain has taken place
or if any tension is creeping in, you can reset things and release
things a little bit. So that's really useful.
Always hydrate, of course, at least the day before, if not, like
the week before. Can you hydrate too much? Oh, my god, yeah, you
can have. Okay, too much of a good thing. People get a bit obsessed
with, like the fact that it needs to be water And they carry these
water things around that like petrol cans. Like I got eight litres
of water, yeah, yeah, that's like my arm would fall off a and be
I'd be, i'm waiting all the time anyway, like the last thing. It is
eight litres of water. So the the the general guideline at the
moment is Is one mil per calorie burned right per
0:20:12 - Anne
Is sufficient to keep you hydrated.
0:20:14 - Nic
So for for a female that's like 1500, for a male That's about 2000,
depending on your exercise. So if you exercise more you might need
a little bit less.
Right you're lazy, alfakar, and you're on the sofa all the time,
then you'd probably be fine, but it's also about your diet as well.
So if again, if you are a Raw food vegan living in a rain forest,
you're probably gonna need you're probably getting more water from
your food and hydration from your food than someone who, like,
lives in the city and eats frozen pizza all day.
But right so it's a whole list, completely holistic thing, like its
environment, it's food, it's the fluids you take in. all fluids
count towards systemic hydration, so that's hydration of the whole
body. So anything you drink that's wet will help you hydrate and
counts that even coffee I was gonna.
0:21:07 - Anne
I was just gonna say so. I have to have my cup of coffee every
morning. You know I have about one, one cup, and people are always
like don't drink coffee, it will hot D You know it will, you know
it'll dry you out. And I'm like, well, i always chase it with a lot
of water.
So I mean that's oh good, that for me it worked. So I really do. I
mean, i try not to drink a ton of coffee before a session in the
morning. But here's a question Sometimes these days, these days, i
utilize the morning hours because my voice just tends to be a
little bit lower Before it's warmed up to actually do some
voiceover work. Is there a way that you can warm up so that you can
maintain that kind of a? and what is that phenomenon? What is that
phenomenon where your voice is lower in the morning
0:21:55 - Nic
so my hypothesis for this is that you're more released, so the
vocal folds to. To change pitch, i e go higher and lower the vocal
folds Get longer and thinner to go high Okay and shorter and fatter
to go low, and it's also about and then they vibrate. Have
different number of oscillations per second right because of the
size. The. The higher and lower you, the higher you go. This
slightly more stretched, intense the vocal folds get. Mm-hmm the
lower they are, the more slack they are. Okay, yep, been asleep on
lion flap with your lovely natural breath, you know, not worrying
about anything.
All your muscles are released, your throat's released and rested,
and lovely, i would imagine in the morning your vocal folds are
just a little bit fatter and more released. Ah, no offense, look at
those fat folds.
0:22:50 - Anne
Vocal foes. Hey, I don't mind having fat vocal folds and I
sometimes people pay me for those. For those fat vocal folds, show
me a fire in the morning, yeah great, it's great, so I think that's
what it is. And then the more you talk during the day, mm-hmm the
more your body ticks on.
0:23:04 - Nic
A wee bit of tension, the more your larynx takes on a wee bit of
the tongue, everything takes on a bit more tension, so it's
slightly harder to get those folds to that more
0:23:13 - Anne
God, the fat place and is there a way to get them back to the fat
place outside of? I'm gonna say vocal placement Right, right to do
that, or tension release, really Yeah.
0:23:24 - Nic
So I'm interesting gentle exercises That encourage a bit releasing
the muscles around the larynx and in the vocal tract So you can do
tongue release, jaw release, yawns to open and release the the back
of the throat a little bit. Okay, Yeah gentle kind of rehab style,
glides up and down your pitch on Whatever. A particular
semi-occluded vocal tract exercise works best for
So semi-occluded exercises are exercises that utilize a sound that
sort of partially closes the mouth, so a classic one that everyone
knows is a little For some people a little is quite a lot of effort
and not the right one for them other versions might be a gentle,
puffy kind of Signed and or another one might be just a puffy th,
so So, hmm, kind of sounds create a particular acoustic environment
in a throat that allows vocal full vibration with minimal
0:24:22 - Anne
Mmm, and that's a way to release tension. Yes, oh, okay, so do you
win? Okay, so You, you work with students independently on vocal
exercises, health preparation for. so take me through like what's a
what's a typical with you, like, how do you assess my vocal health
and my vocal performance? Okay, or just tell me what. you don't
have to take me through it. I'm just don't describe what. what's
the process of that?
0:24:57 - Nic
I I do a lot of ninja listening, so, uh, if the first time you have
with me, you're probably like why are we chatting so much and not
like just getting started And then I'm like I've been listening to
0:25:07 - Anne
Uh, but I talk to people. Have you been listening to me so
0:25:15 - Nic
Like now.
0:25:15 - Anne
I'm really piqued my interest.
0:25:18 - Nic
So yeah, i do a little. Uh, i don't know if you have Sherlock
Holmes, the uh program, like the British program with Benedict
Cumberbatch over in America, but he does these like really amazing
scans where he looks at somebody and does nose. Everything about
him is like so do a cheeky weekend of Sherlock Holmes scan Like
voice assessment with that's what part of my training is is being
able to listen and go.
Oh, i hear this, i hear that, i hear the other. Um, so I do that
while we're having to be, chat and make a few notes. I also
collaborate that with why you've come. So you know, someone may
have come going. I'm losing my voice and I don't know why. Sure,
And I will listen and go. Well, that's this, or someone will go.
I'm losing my voice And it's because X, y, z And I will go. I don't
think it is actually. I think it's this, or or I'll go. Yes, you're
right but, let's all try this.
So so it's a bit of a collaborative process And I I talk a lot
about you know what the needs are, uh, what they expect from it,
you know how long we've got together that kind of thing, and we
just sort of piece together a bit of a strategy. It's very
explorative and it's very bespoke and back and forth And I describe
it like kind of sadly as a journey. It's like a journey you know,
so we like I don't do one to one's really anymore, i do two
session, quick top ups or six session kind of packages, because we
start together in one place And sometimes by session three we've
actually realized it's something completely different and that's
often can be a bit disarming or exciting or interesting and you
just have to, as a voice, as a voice technique coach, you just have
to respond to that. You know I have to teach what's in the room or
the zoom.
0:26:49 - Anne
Sure That makes sense In front of me Same with any coaching
0:26:53 - Nic
Um. So you know there's no one size fits all. Right, it's a very
back and forwards process. Sometimes I give you stuff I said go
away working that for a couple of weeks, give me a shout, how's it
going, and we go. Well, this is working. That's not working. And
you know, we, we assess it really as we go along. Um, so it's a.
It's a really lovely, lovely process. I love one to ones because
it's so bespoke. And at the moment I tend to get a lot of people
who are like I've tried this, i've tried this coach or that coach
or the other coach, and we still can't work out what this is. So,
um, and sometimes that's nothing to do with the coach, it's just
the learning place the person is in, or you know what's going on in
their life.
Maybe they weren't open to receiving certain information you know,
but you know some. Often it takes a wee while to find the right
coach for you and stuff, and you know people come to me and maybe
go someone else, like like that's just what happens, um, but
I do get a lot of. what's this weird noise My nose makes, or I
can't work out what's happening on this cluster of signs, All that
kind of or why am I? you know? quite specific stuff. I'm not the
moment, uh, Mike, specific stuff, which is what my book's about.
It's like, it's it's voice for Mike users.
0:27:59 - Anne
Oh, so let's talk about that, because you do, you have a, you have
a new book out, i do. And let's talk about that, because I was just
going to ask you about um for being on the mic. What are your tips
for being on the mic? So this is phenomenal that you've got a new
book out. I do.
0:28:15 - Nic
It's called on the mic. Okay, straight forward.
0:28:19 - Anne
There you go.
0:28:20 - Nic
It's called on the mic and it's voice training for voiceover
artists, podcasters, speakers and presenters, so basically anybody
who uses a microphone, because that seems to be the people that
come to me Sure. Sure, absolutely. And yeah it's been really it's
been a really interesting and exciting journey, kind of
consolidating all my knowledge into what I'm doing, Into that sort
of a place, Um, I think, for there are a couple of things with
Mike. Speaking is number one. Um, there's a different type of
energy that's needed.
So and this again, this can differ from me sat here in Mabouth with
this mic to somebody stood on a stage doing an expert speaking gig,
Um, so it's about understanding the energy that you need for the
space that you're in and the breath that you might need for the
space that you're in and I think also as well the style of the
delivery is really interesting and how you can use the right kind
of voice warm up exercises to get you to a particular space. So if
you have to sound conversational for your podcast, there are
certain things you can do that are good for
If you need to get ramped up and deal with your adrenaline to host
a conference, then there are certain things you can do for that. So
the whole point of the book is to like go through a lot of
scenarios, go through the voice training process that I advocate,
which is body, breath, sound speech, and just end up with a big
fat, a toolkit of things that you can piece together in a way that
works for whatever mic context you need.
0:29:44 - Anne
I love it. I love it Now. Is this your first
0:29:48 - Nic
Yes, I mean, I think I'd written Instagram Instagram captions. I
was about it Right.
0:29:53 - Anne
Right, well, i know I feel like I've written a ton of blogs and I
know you've got a great blog out there too. Um, and I'm part of
your newsletter, so, um, yeah, so that's so. It's very exciting.
So, your first book, and what was that process like? Did it take?
like I I'm, because I, of course, you know I'm, i'm thinking about
it, and of course everybody says, and you need a book. So, um,
writing a book to me, i'm just, i have so much respect because I
know how much time well, i know how much time it must take, so what
was the process like for you?
0:30:26 - Nic
Um, I really enjoyed it, actually really enjoyed it. The hardest
bit was starting like with everything, Right, i did a lot of
procrastinating. I did a lot of having my whether you believe in it
as not imposter syndrome on my shoulder going what are you doing?
Who do you think you are? Um, so I did a lot of inviting my
imposter syndrome to sit with me while I while I explored what was
happening, i was like come on then.
0:30:48 - Anne
We'll do it together.
0:30:50 - Nic
Um, as soon as I started each little writing session, I I was
great, I loved it, I mean you get to the end of the first draft and
then you're like what the hell is this? So, actually, what was more
exciting and interesting and fulfilling was the editing process and
playing around with it. So my advice is set we, set we taught. Set
we targets, we regular targets that are achievable for you. Don't
edit as you go, cause I got caught up in that and it took me
longer, longer than I wanted to to get to the end of the first
draft, but just get a first draft done And you could let
and, interestingly, what happened for me was it started as one book
and by the time I'd finished the draft it was another book. So you
know it sort of had to go back and and, um, change things up a wee
bit. But I actually really enjoyed it.
I feel, very proud, but also, you know it's scary, it is a scary
thing putting it out there, but you just have to remember who
you're writing it for. You know I spent a lot of time as well, you
know, basking in the shadows of the greats who've come before me
And like there are so many incredible practitioners out there who I
still learn from daily and whose books I read and who I just think
are remarkable. And I did do a lot of. what if they think my book's
terrible? and my business coach was like, who are you writing the
book for? And I was like well, my clients. and they're like so does
it? like I know what matters to you.
0:32:13 - Anne
Do they think you're terrible? Probably not. No, do they
0:32:17 - Nic
No, they have been asking you for a book, So they're going to be
really excited. And do you think those people who you think are
amazing are going to look at you and go, ugh, gross, you wrote a
book. Or are they going to go?
0:32:29 - Anne
that's well done, we've been there actually About time, right About
time, there we go, fantastic.
0:32:34 - Nic
Yeah, i've had some lovely. I reached out to a few mentors to help
me, like, edit a little bit and they were really complimentary, so
I'm really pleased with it. I feel it is the first
0:32:47 - Anne
Well, I am so excited I'm going to rush out and get it. So how can
bosses get this book?
0:32:54 - Nic
Yeah, so it is on my website. If you go to onthemikbookcom Okay,
Onthemikbookcom it should take you to the page we can buy. Perfect,
Actually, it'll be. It's on Amazon.
0:33:09 - Anne
And it'll be on Amazon as well, yeah, just do that Fantastic. And
how can people get in touch with you in addition to buying your
book? How can they get in touch with you if they want to work with
0:33:21 - Nic
Oh well, probably my website, Nicrebinvoicecom. That's probably the
best thing I'm also on the island, stern tic-toc and all that kind
of nonsense too. So you can probably find me anyway by putting Nic
Redman in Perfect perfect.
0:33:35 - Anne
Well, Nic, it has been a pleasure. Congratulations. I'm very
excited I'm going out there and getting a book now because I and I
actually I want to be contacting you because I do have some
questions about how maybe you can custom work with me with some of
my voice questions that I have. So thank, you
much again. Yes, absolutely, bosses. Do you have a local nonprofit
that's close to your heart? Well, if you ever wish that you could
do more to help them, you certainly can Find out more at
100voiceswhocareorg to learn how. And a big shout out to our
sponsor, ipdtl. You too can connect and network like Bosses. Find
out more at IPDTLcom. Bosses, have an amazing week, Nic. Thanks so
much. We'll see you next week. Bye, all right.