Jun 4, 2024
Join Anne Ganguzza and guest co-host, Lau
Lapides, as we share the personal rituals and support systems that
keep us at the top of our game. From the mental clarity of Anne's
Pilates routine to Lau’s cherished moments with her furry friends,
the BOSSES unravel how these treasured practices not only lift
spirits, but also propel BOSSES through the most demanding business
battles. The BOSSES guide you through the creation of an optimal
workspace designed to awaken your most productive self. They also
tackle the often-overlooked aspect of sound, from the tranquility
of headphones to the creative surge provided by the right playlist.
Plus, discover tried-and-true methods for diffusing work stress, to
improve your business performance #likeaboss
00:02 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
You know your voice has the power to move, to persuade, to inspire.
Imagine taking that power to its fullest potential. With guidance
and expert production, I can help elevate your voice to new
heights, making every voice script resonate with your audience.
Let's empower your voice together, one session at a time. Find out
more at anneganguzza.com.
00:29 - Intro (Announcement)
It's time to take your business to the next level, the boss level.
These are the premier business owner strategies and successes being
utilized by the industry's top talent today. Rock your business
like a boss a VO boss. Now let's welcome your host, Anne
00:48 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
Hey, hey everyone. Welcome to the VO Boss Podcast. I'm your host,
Anne Ganguzza, and I am here in the Boss Superpower Series with my
amazing special guest co-host, Lau Lapides. Oh hey, Annie, hi
01:01 - Lau Lapides (Host)
So good to be here.
01:03 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
So good to be here too. I am all set to record another amazing
episode with you, and I've got my trusty cup of coffee right here,
you got your cup of coffee and I got my trusty big dunks.
01:18 - Lau Lapides (Host)
I think that's 32 ounces of water from dunks.
01:21 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
Wow, look at that. Do you get your water from dunks?
01:25 - Lau Lapides (Host)
Not always, but if I'm going to go and get coffee anyway or
something there anyway, I always ask for a large water. Even if
they charge you a little, I ask for a large water, my double-fisted
01:36 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
And these are actually my Ultima replenishers, which are
electrolytes, which I love so I make sure that I'm drinking. I'm
supposed to drink close to 100 ounces a day, and these help me to
do so and to make sure that I'm getting all the nutrients that I
need so that I can run my business like a boss.
01:54 - Lau Lapides (Host)
I love it, I love it.
01:55 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
So those are just a couple of my I guess, tools that support me
while I am working and keep me energized and going and running my
business like a boss. Let's talk about, maybe our tools or our
support mechanisms that help us to keep running our businesses like
bosses today.
02:15 - Lau Lapides (Host)
Oh, that's a great topic. I love that. Just thinking about that
makes me all cozy and fluffy inside, because when I think about the
rituals, the routines, what I consider to be necessities of the
daily run, what keeps me engaged and energized, going from morning
till night, what is it that does that? For each individual person,
there's so many different support options.
02:43 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
We just showed you one. Yeah, and I'll tell you what right now. It
was so funny because I happen to be watching Saturday Night Live
last night and that tells bosses that we're here on a Sunday. I'm
just saying we're here on a Sunday recording some boss episodes,
but I happen to be watching Saturday Night Live and there's a whole
comedy skit on Pilates, because it makes me think of. I've been
getting into Pilates this year and it is something that I do early
in the morning before I start my day. Usually I have a 7 o'clock
class that goes till 8, and I get myself in the studio by 8.30 and
really start running either with students or recording stuff in my
studio, doing demo production by 9 at the very latest on a
day-to-day basis. So Pilates, or getting my daily exercise in, has
now become one of my go-to things. That is something I need to do.
I need to feel like I've been able to exercise and get my heart
rate up and be invigorated. Mm-hmm.
03:37 - Lau Lapides (Host)
I love that, I love that. And if you miss it, if you miss that
routine or ritual, how different do you feel, how different is the
start of your day? So it's like patterns, you know. We're also
talking about the discipline of creating a pattern in your social
comfort that you need to really perform. There's all sorts of
different things I pull out depending on the season and how I feel,
but one of the things you and I discuss is the importance of our
fur children. Oh gosh yes.
Because we're fur mamas and I've got my two Frenchie bulldogs,
you've got your beautiful cats and we both love animals so, so
04:16 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
Oh, my goodness, yes, and that love, that passion, helps to fuel
the business as well, right when I need a break, when I'm having a
lunch break or something, I make sure that I go and have playtime
with the cats or I'm like I need a hug from one of my kitties, and
so I'll go seek them out and get a hug and it's funny because
animals, I love animals.
The other thing is that the horse show season has started here by
me and for those of you that have not seen my photos on social
media, I love, love, love horses and back in the day, Law and I,
when we were talking about what we used to do when we were in our
younger years, I used to ride horses and show horses. And so for me
to live literally a mile away from a showgrounds where they have
amazing, top-rated shows every weekend during the season Just makes
me so happy.
05:08 - Lau Lapides (Host)
It's such a big deal and it really infuses your spirit in a
different way that really, I would say even redirects any kind of
negative energy that I'm feeling, which we all have for different
reasons. You know what's going on in the world, or what's going on
in your family, or what's going on in your home, or whatever. It
has the power to redirect you onto something very specific, very
detailed, that is positive, that is something uplifting for you and
something you can take that energy and put it right into your work.
And I know you feel the way I feel about the animals. After a while
I literally forget they're animals and I treat them as people and I
feel like the energy and spirit of people are in the room. It
really feels that way.
05:55 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
I just live in the house with my cats. They run it pretty much.
They let me live there and anybody that has been to my house knows
there is a cat condo in just about every room. I think we have
five. I think we have five cat condos.
06:10 - Lau Lapides (Host)
Those condos are HOAs, aren't they? They're gated
06:14 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
They really are, and I'll tell you what the good thing is is that
our cats actually use them, so that's a good thing If they never
looked at them.
I would feel really bad and they also have their boxes of toys
which they dig out and get new toys. And you know it's funny
because Law I don't know if this is the way with your dogs but
like, literally I've collected cat toys for the past. I mean I've
owned cats ever since I was little and since I moved to, I would
say, new Jersey, like in my 20s, I mean I've got like 40 years
worth of cat toys that they just keep getting reused by the cats
that I acquire.
06:44 - Lau Lapides (Host)
It's hard to get rid of them, isn't it? Oh?
06:45 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
it is. It's like a favorite stuffed animal. I mean, how can you
when the cat plays with it? And of course they have boxes and boxes
of toys, but really it's the paper bags that they like.
06:55 - Lau Lapides (Host)
And we have those plastic bags. You know those really beautifully
designed. So we have one on every floor brimming with stuff and I'm
literally praying at times that the dogs rip them apart so I can
start throwing them away. Oh my God yeah. Because I won't throw
them away unless they need to be thrown away for some reason. Like
I'm hoarding dog toys, so I get you right there. I get you right
there, and it's like the joy of watching them play with one of
those toys while you're working is so fun.
07:23 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
Well, you know, as much as I say that we're working on a Sunday, I
mean, and we work hard both of us, I mean there's something to be
said for just taking that time to kind of reset and refresh and
re-engage and have things that we enjoy doing and that we need in
order to continue moving forward in our businesses, and that is
watching our animals play, watching our fur babies play, or going
to a horse show, or something that really takes us out of the work
day so that it can really refresh our brains, which I need. I need
to have that brain power to run my business as efficiently and as
effectively as possible.
08:02 - Lau Lapides (Host)
There's a softening there too. There's a softening of a hardness
which happens throughout the day, not necessarily becoming jaded or
cynical, but becoming expectant of difficult things or expectant of
challenges on a daily basis. It softens those blows I always say it
keeps me more human. It keeps me more human as they're human. It
keeps me more human in the keeps me more human as they're human. It
keeps me more human in the situations that I'm dealing with. How
about the room itself that you're in the studio, the office, the
space you're in, having a support within that space that really
allows you to flourish and grow? I know I love having sayings that
I believe in so much so when I'm in a meeting I can stare at them
and remember what they mean. Remember what they mean. Here's one of
my favorite ones that's hanging on my wall in my office and I'm not
always in my office, but when I am I remember it says create the
things you wish existed. Oh, I like that. That's
And that gives me a little frisson every time I see it.
09:03 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
That is wonderful. Well, I think that I might have shown this to
you before, but when I open the door of the studio and I don't know
if you can see it, but I do have pictures of my fur babies, and
over on the other side I have a picture of Jerry and I. And so that
is something I can look at, and I plan on getting another one,
actually, and hanging it, and so I think that being able to look at
those things that just give me joy and some creative inspiration is
paramount in the studio and of course I think for me I have to have
windows with sunlight.
I am a big, big sunlight person. For me, and especially when it's
the winter months and I get cold and you work and you know we're
not moving a lot when we sit, sometimes when we're in the studio,
or if I've got the headphones on and I'm doing some editing. I like
to be able to get out into the sun and just soak up that vitamin D
for a few minutes, when I get a break and that always, always
refreshes me.
10:05 - Lau Lapides (Host)
Always. I have a porch, annie, that's a screened-in porch. I also
have a patio, which I love during the summer months, but the porch
during the winter months, when we have some of the harsher, colder
weather, has the sun pouring in so I can go out right in the middle
of a winter and it's 30 degrees warmer on the porch where I can get
that like you get that vitamin D, get that solar energy going to
take a nap or refresh me or whatever the case may be. How about
this? Sounds really weird, but the CEO of Starbucks was one of the
first ones to study this over years and years and that was the
shape of the desk. The shape of the table and where you sit in the
table affects you socially and it affects the quality of
connections you make with others.
10:56 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
The shape of the table. So in regards to, I have a standing desk,
which I love because if I don't feel like sitting, I can stand at
it, but for me, placement-wise, I like to be right in the middle. I
also like to also be in a cozy corner with a high back in terms of.
If I ever go out to a restaurant, I always feel like I have to sit
in a certain place. But tell me more about the shape of the
11:20 - Lau Lapides (Host)
Oh it's really interesting.
11:22 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
In terms of like, if the table is round versus rectangular versus
L-shaped versus….
11:28 - Lau Lapides (Host)
Yeah, I don't know these days, I don't know if they've kept to this
original thinking, but they found through their studies, through
Starbucks, that the round table, the circular table, is more
connecting in terms of the community that you're sitting in oh that
makes sense Than a square table that has edges Right of the
community that you're sitting in oh, that makes sense Than a square
table that has edges right. I don't always find that, though,
because I sit at a lot of square and rectangular tables that I feel
really good at.
11:52 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
So I don't know. You know that's interesting, but I think, if maybe
you're talking about community, yeah, community. It's why it's
always nicer to sit at a round table, because it's easier to talk,
easier to communicate. Right At a round table, I think, well, a
square table because you can have people on equidistant sides, but
rectangular, you might have somebody all the way over you can't see
people on your side, right, that makes total sense.
Or they're far away, Right, but in terms of placement on my desk,
right, I like to be right in the middle and for me as much as
sunlight, right. I was talking about light. I love a lot of light
and actually I love a lot of white light in my office area, Like
for me, fluorescent lights make me happy and I don't know if that's
just me.
There's a lot of people that don't like fluorescent lights. I like
a lot when I'm living and not necessarily working. I like more of a
softer yellow light, but for me, for working, I love the white
lights and, as a matter of fact, I have LED lights that are white
lights that I can actually change the percentage of the lumens, but
I like to have very white, bright light in my work area.
12:57 - Lau Lapides (Host)
That makes me happy, fascinating, and I like to have, if I can. Of
course, for us in New England, weather permitting, I like to have
an open door or an open window at all times. Oh, interesting, if I
can. I can't always do it, but even in the winter, if it's not
horrible out and I have the fireplace on, I have the heat on, I can
still have the porch door open, or I can even have a window open to
fresh air. There's something about air and wind that the dynamics
of that re-energizes me in a certain way.
13:31 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
Luckily in California I can do that quite a bit.
13:34 - Lau Lapides (Host)
And I like to keep windows open for the cats.
13:36 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
It's interesting because when I moved to California, there's a lot
of Californians that will just leave their doors open if they're in
the house.
13:43 - Lau Lapides (Host)
Yeah, I grew up that way too. My neighborhood was that way too, but
I don't love bugs and so if a bug happens to fly in.
13:50 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
Living in the East Coast, in Mosquito, Aladdin, New Jersey, or
humid places where there's a lot of bugs or moths at night. I just
no, yeah, of course Cannot have an entryway for bugs to get into
the house. Okay.
14:03 - Lau Lapides (Host)
I got a good one for you. I got a good one for you, and maybe this
is bordering on my OCD, I don't know but I need it neat and
organized to a certain degree, where I do the physical cleanup
right before I work, and it might be a minute, it might be five
minutes, it might be whatever that activity gets me going in the
dynamic of doing things.
14:29 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
Interesting, so I like to, before you start, have a clean desk. Is
that correct? Or one that's not cluttered?
14:36 - Lau Lapides (Host)
That's me, I'm not so sure it's about the cleanliness per se. I
think it's telling my brain that you're physical, you're active and
you're able to accomplish something, even if it's very small and
detailed. So cleaning up my papers, neatening my pens and pencils,
making sure my monitors are there, making sure my coffee is ready
to me, sets a dynamic in the feng shui of my energy that is easier
for me to tackle my goals than if everything is all over the
15:06 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
I have to have a clean sheet of paper because I have my little
to-do pad and I still write it down and I know I have lots of
15:11 - Intro (Announcement)
Do you have your stickies? I don't have stickies.
15:13 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
I don't have stickies but I have like a long to-do pad and that's
where I write everything that I need to do, and I do that on the
night, like when I'm done with work. I write things to do for the
next morning and sometimes, when I sit down, if I do have things
that I need to do for the day, I'm writing that down too. But I
like to have a fresh, clean sheet of paper.
15:30 - Lau Lapides (Host)
That's a generational thing. I do that as well. I think it's our
generation. And it's tactile, it's physical. There's a physical
thing there you're interacting with, you're writing, you're
checking things off. I can barely write anymore.
15:43 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
I mean, but you're still doing it, You're not doing it on your
computer, right, I'm still doing it. Yeah, I'm still doing it.
You're right, I can barely write legibly anymore and I don't even
know if they're teaching like— Are they even teaching cursive
writing anymore today? They're coming back to it, Annie. They're
coming back to it.
16:02 - Lau Lapides (Host)
There's something about handwriting.
16:03 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
After my mother passed away. There's something so special about
seeing her handwriting that brings back so many good
16:10 - Lau Lapides (Host)
Oh, I got a tear because it's so—why do we keep the cards, the
letters, the notes? Because it's that handwriting for us it really
is. You know, I also want to say too and this may seem a little
odd, like to go into this, especially when you have other
priorities, but I feel like if I can make it through X amount of
emails, first thing in my morning number one I'll catch all the
time priorities, and then, from the agency perspective, it's like
you better catch it, Okay. But beside that, there's a click in me,
there's something generated that's very open and very fresh and
excited when I can make it through X amount of those and then I can
get to the new thing, the next thing, the layered thing, whatever
that is. If I have a lot waiting, if I have a lot in the wings that
hasn't been done, my brain has a hard time getting into gear fully
of what is happening throughout my day.
17:05 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
Very interesting. Right, it's interesting You're talking to the
girl that has all these unread emails in her mailbox. Some people
have to clean their mailbox, right.
17:13 - Lau Lapides (Host)
I kind of I guess I have to clean my mailbox because I have to
clear my brain in that way so that I can have the appointments or
go through the new things or whatever has to happen, and I feel
like, even if it's just three or four or 10 or 20, I feel like
that's an accomplishment. That's an accomplishment, right? Yeah,
absolutely. It may not be the biggest one in our day, but it is
one. It is something to celebrate in the day, whatever that means
for you, whatever kind of organization that means for you. What
about, like do you listen to a TV or music in your day or have that
outside entertainment source coming in as you're working?
17:55 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
Very rarely do I listen to anything other than my own audio or
somebody else's audio during the day, because I need to be focused
on it. Every once in a while, though, there is certain music that I
can play, and it can only be like ambient music. Right, that can't
disrupt my thinking, if I need to focus Like a white
Well, no, it can be like Sirius XM chill, because chill is very,
there's not a ton of dynamics to it and it can just be chill music
and so I can listen to that and sometimes I like that. It's
therapeutic. But it's very rare that during the day that I listen
to anything other than the headphones are on my ears pretty much
the whole day, because I'm either working with students or I am
recording in the studio or I'm editing audio or I'm editing a demo
or whatever that is. I Pretty much have these on and I could put
music on, I absolutely could, but I need to make sure that I'm
focused on the audio that comes through my ears, which is not
always music and not always for enjoyment, but for work-related
18:59 - Lau Lapides (Host)
Gotcha. I have to say I've always loved music.
19:03 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
I love music too.
19:03 - Lau Lapides (Host)
Well, meaning that I've always had to have music around as I'm
functioning throughout the day. And it's funny, my husband is
opposite. He never has music on. He almost never has to listen to
music. Well, he's a numbers guy, is he not?
19:17 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
He's a numbers guy he might need to concentrate on. I'm just
thinking that for me it's hard to concentrate with certain types of
music. Maybe, maybe.
19:25 - Lau Lapides (Host)
Yeah, it just gets in the way of his thought process and his
patterning For me. I was a dancer for many years in my younger
years and I always had some sort of sound. There was some sort of
sound happening that would transport me in a certain way. So I
yearn in the day for a transportation of moments where I can
daydream or I can concoct a new idea or I can think about something
else. Oh, that's lovely. That's an interesting vehicle for me to do
it, and I know it is for many people too.
19:55 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
Well, when I'm not at my desk, then yes, and I do love music, I
mean and music is so important when I'm exercising, for
I mean, that is so very important that I have music that can help
motivate and inspire me while I'm exercising. And it's funny
because if I'm doing something like out in my gym, in the garage,
which might be like on the pre-core or on the bike, and I'm not
following a class and I'm just moving and doing long-term movement,
that is where I need to have music. And it's funny because I have
lots of playlists that my husband and I, through the years I met my
husband he was my spin instructor we've created all these
We have hundreds of playlists that are pretty much essentially our
favorite music and it's a whole lot of fun. So for that, yes, I do
need music to inspire and motivate myself. But then it's funny
because when I go to Pilates classes there are some instructors who
like music kind of in the background and some of them that find it
to be very distracting and really don't want the music on because
they want you to concentrate and focus on the muscles of your body
and not worry about the music they're playing.
21:03 - Lau Lapides (Host)
Do you ever find that you need to step away in the middle of the
day and do something completely different? Yes, absolutely
Absolutely the day and do something completely different. Yes,
absolutely, absolutely. That's a support right there, whether it's
exercise or clean, something like do the dishes or make a phone
call to a friend that you have to make a contact with, or whatever.
Absolutely. I find that's very refreshing. That's a support that I
look forward to.
21:26 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
I think it's since my transition of working out in the world to
working from home and working in my own studio.
Getting out is one of those things. It's kind of like going out to
lunch or running an errand, and I do love the fact that we work for
ourselves, that we can schedule those things. In. A lot of times on
my off days, when I'm not coaching, I might have a doctor's
appointment, or I might have a regular appointment where I go
shopping or I pick up stuff at the grocery market and that, to me,
is just a nice getting out, breathing the air, going for a walk and
getting the mail. That is something that can really help
22:03 - Lau Lapides (Host)
They may sound like small, insignificant tasks, but I really feel
like they can not only fulfill my sense of accomplishment, but also
recalibrate my whole mind and my body, to relax, to pull out of a
situation recalibrate and then come back in more refreshed, more
rejuvenated and more balanced right.
22:24 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
What can you do? Or what do you do if something at work is
frustrating you right Outside of trying to resolve it immediately?
What do you do for support?
22:34 - Lau Lapides (Host)
Well, of course it depends on what it is. So if I feel like I need
outside support of the problem solving, I have my little inner
circle that I'll call or email and say hey, I got a situation, what
are your thoughts on this? I'd like to get your thoughts and I
usually get really quick response of those inner circle of people.
It's exhausting because you're going from one session to another,
one moment to another, one audition to another, or people are
misbehaving, people are misbehaving Any number of things right that
you can't really help or do People are misbehaving.
23:04 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
I have my circle of friends. You are in that circle a lot and I
will like I'll be like texting you.
23:11 - Lau Lapides (Host)
I love it. In the middle of the night we'll be like, yeah, let's
just talk it out on text, let's just make it happen so that you get
to a new place, you get to a new place. I still tend to physically
do something because I feel like, kinesthetically, my muscles need
to shift out of stress or tension mode into accomplished mode. Even
if it's like do the laundry or do the dishes or something simple
like that, I do find that helps me a lot. It allows my brain to
rest through an activity that I need to do anyway. That's useful
anyway, but something that is not taxing.
23:47 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
I will say I will. Sometimes. I'll either get off of social media
because that might be the source right, or I will go to social
media, but it won't be within voiceover. It'll be looking at
something in social media that is, other interests of mine Like
cooking or something Right, I watch a lot of horse jumping. I watch
a lot of cats. Does that surprise you?
24:08 - Intro (Announcement)
I watch a lot of cat videos, no, so all those things, it does not.
A lot of humor, it does not.
24:19 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
A lot of entertainment, music, so that sort of thing. So I will
either unplug or plug into the social media. That brings me joy and
entertainment versus work stress.
24:25 - Lau Lapides (Host)
Exactly To me. They're not only ritualistic disciplines, but
they're also support. They're not only ritualistic disciplines, but
they're also support. They're comfort and support that we know how
to self-medicate in a really positive way. Here's the thing. I
don't want to dull out my senses, I don't want to dumb myself down,
I don't want to water myself down, so I don't feel it. I just want
to give myself a momentary break and then be able to come back to
it with a fresh eye and a fresh ear and a fresh thought. I think
there's a big difference between the two of like I have to run away
from this, I don't want to think about this and I don't ever want
to come up against this. Right, you have to be willing to come
25:00 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
You know it's interesting. I'm trying to think like I've never
really tried to run away from things because for me, the sooner I
can resolve them, I think the better.
25:10 - Lau Lapides (Host)
I feel and for me.
25:12 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
I really am trying not to run away from things, and I don't know if
that's a personality thing or if that's something I don't know.
Bosses what do you think I mean? Being bosses of our own business?
Sometimes we can't run away and we have to face issues and try our
best to resolve them, and these emotional support mechanisms, or
support mechanisms that Law and I have been talking about, may be
something that can help us to ease our minds, ease our emotional
psyche, so that we can come back better, stronger and resolve them,
so that we can move forward in our businesses.
25:48 - Lau Lapides (Host)
I love that and it's so interesting how we do this unconsciously
until we really recognize. It takes time to recognize. What am I
doing, what am I actively doing to either soothe myself, help
myself, whatever, and what am I doing? That's not helping, that's
counterproductive, right? And really being honest about that, like
being aware, having a self-awareness about that yeah, absolutely
Even just like writing it down or taping yourself or having someone
report back if they're seeing you doing certain activities or doing
certain things, I think it's really important to document that and
figure out what's working for you as a business.
26:28 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
Absolutely so. Yeah, I mean it's been a fun episode. I mean talking
about our little emotional support mechanisms and bosses out there,
as you said, it may seem like, oh, it seems like just well, this is
what we do every day, but in reality, they do a lot to help us to
move ourselves forward in our businesses. And so, bosses, what do
you do, Right? What do you do to help get yourself through the day?
What are your rituals? What things do you need? We'd love to hear
from you.
26:55 - Lau Lapides (Host)
Absolutely and really claim them, really own them and really be
proud of them. You want to make sure that you're able to talk about
them and be proud of them and not hide them away.
27:05 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
Cool episode Law. Very cool, Very cool. I'm going to give a great
big shout out to our sponsor, IPDTL. You too can connect and
network like bosses. Find out more at IPDTLcom. Bosses, have an
amazing week and let's hear from you guys. We'll see you next week.
27:23 - Intro (Announcement)
See you next time. Bye, join us next week for another edition of VO
Boss with your host, anne Ganguza, and take your business to the
next level. Sign up for our mailing list at vobosscom and receive
exclusive content, industry revolutionizing tips and strategies and
new ways to rock your business like a boss. Redistribution, with
permission. Coast-to-coast connectivity via IPDTL. Via
27:52 - Anne ganguzza (Host)
Hey, hey everyone, welcome to the VO Boss Podcast and the boss. Did
I say podcast? I didn't say podcast. Take two, take two.