Nov 19, 2024
00:04 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
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00:41 - Intro (Announcement)
It's time to take your business to the next level, the boss level.
These are the premier business owner strategies and successes being
utilized by the industry's top talent today. Rock your business
like a boss a VO boss. Now let's welcome your host, Anne
01:00 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
Hey everyone, welcome to the VO Boss Podcast. I'm your host, Anne
Ganguzza, and I am so happy and elated to be here with my special
guest, audio tech guru and owner of George the Tech the one and
only George Whittam, Woo-hoo.
01:16 - George Whittam (Guest)
Hey, can you hear me okay from the Chili's in Palos Verdes,
01:21 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
I can I, can I love it. You know George is. He is technology on the
go, guys, and for those of you I don't know anyone that doesn't
know you, but for those of you bosses out there that don't know
George, you need to know George. He has been doing this since 2005,
dedicating his life and I know this because he's helped me to
serving the technical needs of bosses out there voice actors,
podcasters, recording studio owners and in 2017, he launched
georgethetechcom to assist anybody that needs support with just
about anything. And he has an amazing team. I know firsthand. I
have used that team. I've used George for many, many years and
among his many successful clients I'm gonna say, in addition to me,
are Don LaFontaine, bill Ratner, mr Beast, david Prog, melissa
Disney, randy Thomas, joe Cipriano and Scott Rummel. Well, welcome,
welcome, welcome and thank you for checking in with me, george,
from your very busy schedule. George actually just popped off the
road and said I will join this interview from the Chili's after my
customer that you just went to go fix a studio.
02:32 - George Whittam (Guest)
I did, I did. I do most of my work from home, of course, remotely,
but I have a few clients who do have me on a membership program
that I've been doing for many years and I make regular visits. So
today was one of those days and technology, once in a while, it
just flails miserably at letting you know that there's something
you're supposed to be doing, and this was one of those moments. You
texted me from the car. You're just, and you're like out of the
blue tech, just checking in, and I'm like, oh, that's so nice, and
it's just checking in, see you're not checking in.
You're like where the F are you right now?
03:05 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
George, george, where are you?
03:07 - George Whittam (Guest)
In our Riverside room right now. So anyway, thank you. I hope this
isn't too distracting. They find me a quiet corner of the
restaurant, so we'll see how it goes.
03:17 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
I love it. I will say, though, here's the deal, my video now
Riverside. Anybody that's been on Riverside knows that it's
uploading video and audio separately, and right now my upload is at
94%, Yours is only at 55%, so that 5G connection keep your fingers
crossed that that internet is going to upload that video
successfully and the audio Don't worry. Well, guess what I get to
do this again.
03:42 - George Whittam (Guest)
I got your back because I'm recording it. I was about to say, I was
recording in QuickTime and it said that you've stopped recording,
so I'm going to start recording it again, just so I have another
layer of redundancy to this whole thing. But that is the really
cool thing about Riverside is that, yeah, it doesn't want
QuickTime, won't let me. Okay, fine, fine, we're going to rely on
new technology today. But, yeah, riverside is really cool the way
it keeps a local record and even if my internet isn't,
I'll eventually get it uploaded to you, so don't worry about that.
Yes, Awesome.
04:15 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
Well, it's always a good excuse to chat with you again, because
it's so rare these days, I mean except when I'm desperate in need
of technical support.
04:22 - Intro (Announcement)
04:23 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
I'll have the bosses know that George helped me with my past or my
latest studio upgrade. And I remember, george, that we were talking
about me moving my Apollo solo into my studio which, by the way, it
is moved in here and we were testing out this very long cable that
went from my Mac studio out there into my studio and guess what
it's working, and yay, technology. And so, george, you're
instrumental in all of my studio upgrades and actually my original
studio building when I moved to California back in oh my goodness,
2008. And so you've been through a lot of my studio builds. And
let's talk a little bit about, oh gosh, what bosses need audio-wise
right for being successful voice actors. They have so many
technological needs.
05:14 - George Whittam (Guest)
It is so many. You know. The thing is not everybody is like you,
You love and embrace technology in a way that a lot of actors do
not right and so on the cover of the laptop that you can't see
because it's on the other side of the camera. I have a cover on my
laptop and it's a picture of the left brain, right brain thing,
right Like you know, the left being very technical, the right being
creative, and I'm such a big proponent of finding the perfect
middle balance. Maybe that's because I'm also a Libra, I don't
know, but you know it's like I'm such a big proponent of finding
the perfect middle balance. Maybe that's because I'm also a Libra,
I don't know, but you know it's like I'm always trying to find that
balance and I'm also trying to figure out who you are as my client.
Are you more Ann Ganguza, or are you more Lori Allen, who's my
quintessential super right brain, crazy actor talent, you know, and
she knows that I'll say that and she'll laugh that doesn't love
technology or doesn't care, right, I mean I get it.
06:09 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
I mean we go into this industry. I mean some of us are just super,
super creative and brilliant.
06:18 - George Whittam (Guest)
If we had our choice, we would let someone else run all the
technology and take care of it for us, which is what you do
Absolutely. In a perfect world, we would all have our own little
virtual assistant engineer people who just log into your machine
and run everything for you. I do know a precious few actors who
have actually availed themselves of such a thing, which is a pretty
nice position to be in, right, and that would be a really cool
scenario where you really don't need to think about it. But the
fact of the matter is, the vast majority of the time, we have to
think about and know what's going on with the technology and ensure
that we're giving the client super clean, great quality audio
quickly and on time, reliably, etc. Etc. And that's the
07:01 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
It is about good audio, but it's about a lot of other things beyond
just good audio, you know, willing to really experiment and figure
out solutions for your clients that are not like status quo. So if
they have a budget, you can fit yourself within that budget and you
make things work and you say, all right, so if you need this, we
can maybe substitute this or we can work with this. And I'm talking
bosses, my firsthand experience, not just on what microphone or
give me a stack to put on my audio, but like home studio builds
from the ground up, like what can I do to save money here? Or what
can I do? I have this in my budget and you literally have created
things from like the ground up, depending on your client's
And I think that that's really awesome and it really goes to show
like the versatility and the amount of skills that you have in, not
just like one thing. I mean you have to be great at everything,
because everybody has different technology, everybody has a
different microphone, everyone has a different DAW, everyone has a
different environment in their house that you have to kind of
assess and then say, well, okay, here's a solution. And then I'm
quite sure, myself being one of them going, no, I can't do that, so
you'll come up with multiple solutions. Or if something doesn't
work, you'll actually get it to work. You'll figure out what it is
that's not working and then make it work.
08:38 - George Whittam (Guest)
Yeah, it's so many different things because there's a lot of things
that you can get away with or there's certain things that you can
make work or get it to work. Here's my black bean burger and
08:49 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
All right.
08:50 - George Whittam (Guest)
There's a lot of things you can get away with, so I'll try to talk
while you take a bite. I will eat when you're talking, okay, so
there's a lot of things that you can make work. There's a lot of
things that you can get away with, and that's where people start
out right. That's where you begin, that's where you learn on your
That's where you get used equipment. You get hand-me-downs, you buy
what you can find on Amazon, right, you get away with it. You make
it work. But at a certain point your clientele requires this
consistency, quality and this quick turnaround, and that stuff
starts to be cumbersome, it becomes a bother because it's getting
in your way, right. So that's a big part of it. And then I'm glad
you said earlier budget.
You really need to know where you're at. I mean, this is why voice
acting, especially now as an entrepreneurial pursuit, you really
need to have a pretty good idea where you're at with your budget.
When you come to me, be honest with yourself, be honest with me.
I'm not here to spend unnecessary money. I'm not here to push you
or upsell you. I'm going to tell you exactly where you're at, based
on where you are with your budget, and make sure it fits, because
that's my goal is to help you out and get you where you need to go
at the budget you've had to spend.
And then if it's either really too low, I'll let you know if I
think it's not going to work, or I will speak up if I think you're
overspending, if I think you've got this budget and it's
unnecessarily. You know it's like, oh well, you've got that much to
spend, all right. Well, let's think about that. Should we really
spend all of that? Or should we really be spending 20% of that on
the mic and maybe 50% of that on building your website, getting
your demo, that kind of stuff right? So I'll make sure your money
is spent the right way, but be really honest with yourself about
what your budget is. Know where you're ready to spend so we can get
off on the right foot.
10:50 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
So let's talk about the types of services that you do offer,
because I'm happy to recommend you and your team to my students,
and I think they might have preconceived notions as to oh well,
george can just create a stack for me, or George can just tell me
what microphone to buy, with lots of experience in multiple
operating systems. So it's not just the mic or not just the studio,
it can be your computer, it can be your software, it can be how to
use Twisted Wave or how to use I just had a student the other day
Studio One. I'm sure you have somebody on your team that can help
with somebody with Studio One, and so can you create a filter for
that? And so I'm constantly saying to myself I know lots of
different audio engineers that specialize right, and I think that's
great, but they're all independent, right? And so I can't be like,
oh gosh, well, who knows Twisted Wave or who knows Studio One, or
who knows?
And I'll think about it. What's great is you're like a one-stop
shop, because now you've built yourself up a team. What's great is
you're like a one-stop shop because now you've built yourself up a
team, and I love this, because when I hired you in the beginning it
was just you and you're I mean, you're busy back then and I love
how you've like I mean, talk about being a boss, right. You've
actually grown your little empire there and created a team of
really amazing people that work for you, that have great skills and
very specific skills. Speak to that a little bit.
12:14 - George Whittam (Guest)
It's been a dream for a really long time to expand beyond myself.
It started probably 12, 13 years ago in New York City. I knew I
couldn't be in New York City that often and I had a few clients in
New York and I thought, god, it'd be a no-brainer to have somebody
else backing me up here in Manhattan. I actually had interviews in
Borders bookstores with people that responded to ads, sat down,
interviewed people and onboarded some folks and it just turned out
that, one, maybe it was too soon to do it and two, it wasn't enough
demand, because at that time it was a different time. But New York
it was almost 100% studio town. Right, all the gigs were in studios
because they're all over the place, they're all like walking or a
subway ride away. So New York was a different
So flash forward now quite a few years and I decided, with the new
website that I had built by Skills Hub a couple of years ago, that
it was finally time to properly expand the team. And now that I
have a system built, an infrastructure, a booking system, the whole
thing that allows me to essentially infinitely expand, I can build
it as big as I want. I finally had the tools and everything in
place to do that, and so we have that. Now you can go onto the
website. Let's say you need help with Adobe Audition. You can see
who is available that is actually an Adobe Audition expert and then
you'll see their availability and you can book into the system
right then and there and get help with someone that actually knows
what they're doing. I realized after a while there's a certain
point where I don't necessarily learn and retain new information
the way I used to. I think that's just life, that's just age,
14:02 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
Well, there's so much now.
14:04 - George Whittam (Guest)
And there's so much more.
14:05 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
Yeah, I know you're like right Anne.
14:07 - George Whittam (Guest)
Right, but I get that I totally get that.
14:10 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
But think about this what I really love. What I really love is,
again and again, this is the VO Boss podcast. So I really like to
always relate things to how you can really be a boss, and I think
all of us voice actors are bosses, obviously in our own right, and
I think we really need to look for ways that we can grow and
expand. Right and it's not an easy thing, right, it's a scary thing
how can you scale? How can you provide more services for your
clients so that your business can move forward successfully? And
you are such a great example of I mean, not everybody that's a
voice actor, is an audio engineer and they're going to scale their
businesses in the way that you did, but it's all relative right, as
voice actors, how can you scale your business? And so if you think
outside of the box and you think about what can you do that's
efficient as a voice actor, right, maybe you don't like technology,
maybe you don't understand your computer, and I'm saying there's a
certain element that we have to be technologically adept, but you
can consider outsourcing these things as a voice actor so that you
yourself can scale your business, and you've offered this great
place for people to have all kinds of options, and so it's not just
like a one-shot deal.
George, I need help. You have like 24-7 support, and I know for a
fact that you've got emergency tech support, which I know, having
worked in technology for how many years prior to voiceover.
Technology is awesome until it doesn't work and then people panic,
right, and that's when it's almost the most important to have that
type of support. And so I'm sure lots of you voice actors have had
something happen with your computer, like, and all of a sudden
you're at a loss, or something happened in your studio, you're at a
loss, and now all of a sudden, do you have a backup? Do you have a
way that you can deliver your goods, deliver your product to your
And I think we all need to really start thinking about how can we
outsource, how can we scale, and you've got a great place where, if
voice actors don't necessarily love working with technology or
learning technology, nor do they have the time right For me. I have
no desire to be an audio engineer, I know what I know right, and if
I have problems, let's say I'm setting up my new Mac studio. Well,
I don't want to spend my entire weekend trying to learn anymore. I
mean, I love learning, don't get me wrong but I don't want to right
now. That's not an efficient use of my time.
So I'd much rather call you and say hey, george, I know you've set
up Macs, I know you've done the Apollo on this iOS and I'm running
into these problems. Or I know I'm having a problem like with Zoom
and then sending my audio through Zoom. How can you help me? So it
just makes sense for me, as a boss, right to outsource that. And so
make sure, out there, guys, that you have a source, and I highly
recommend George a hundred times If you haven't figured it out by
now, I'm recommending him a hundred times over. Have a source, have
a place that you can go when you run into trouble technology-wise
or with your computer, or you want to just learn. You also have
educational resources. You have tutorials. Yes, you have one-on-one
help. You've just got all those options and I think it just really
lends itself. Not only are you showing people how you're a boss and
you're scaling your business right. They can scale their business
with you.
17:26 - George Whittam (Guest)
Yeah, being a boss is what I've really become now. I was always
solopreneuring. In a way I still am, but now I do actually have
people that look to me for getting paid, look for me for getting
jobs, look for me for communication and support and actually
training. The content we create for you guys we use internally to
train our own team. I want more of our team to be comfortable with
the Universal Audio Apollo. I've been encouraging them to watch the
content we already have. Everybody who does work for me gets
complete carte blanche access to my entire library of content
right, so they all can learn.
I want to work with you, then I would love to have you. I mean,
honestly, the point is that we've built the network, we've built
the system, we have the infrastructure. Now it's just a matter of
what's the next thing a voice actor needs, or what's the next thing
podcasters need, what's the next thing people that do media
appearances need, studios, people that need to do executives,
c-suite folks what do they all need? And we're trying to eventually
fill these different gaps right, and so my role now is more of a
boss, more of a CEO, more of a director, even beyond. I spend way
more hours of my day doing director, boss, ceo work than I do
actual build time nowadays, and that's just how things have
morphed. But it's great.
I love finding out that somebody got a service from one of our team
and I didn't even know about it. That's the coolest thing ever. Oh,
you helped that guy. Awesome, I had no idea. That's great. That
means things are working. I don't have to micromanage everything,
and so that's been a huge thrill for me, and it's just allowed us
to be so much more helpful to more people.
19:11 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
That's such a relief. I know my own business. When you said about
micromanaging, and in reality, you know, we talk all the time about
voice actors, we're solopreneurs, we wear all the hats, but now's
the time to really start thinking about, okay, what is the most
efficient use of my time? Right, and I want you bosses to really
open your minds out to thinking that a lot of people they get stuck
in this whole thought process that, oh, I can't afford to hire
somebody. But in reality, if you sat down and you marked what is
your price per hour? Right, how much money do you make when you're
doing voiceover, versus how much money are you making when you're
trying to, like, do the billing yourself? Right?
19:50 - George Whittam (Guest)
I'm so glad you mentioned the hourly thing because a while ago
somebody made that clear to me.
There's the hourly rate that you charge retail, right? I know what
my hourly rate is per hour. If you want to consult with me
directly, it's $360 an hour. Whoa huge number. Wow, that sounds
really crazy. That's not what I make per hour. What I make per hour
is actually what I made last year. Subtract my expenses, take my
net revenue right and divide that by I don't remember the magic
number is whatever. It is 52 weeks a year, you know. And then you
basically whittle it down to what your actual hourly wage actually
is and you start to realize like, oh my gosh, that's what my actual
time is worth. And so you're going oh, now it is worth spending $25
an hour for a virtual assistant or somebody because I'm actually
worth $50 an hour.
You know what I mean. So that's. It's really good to know
20:48 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
Exactly, exactly.
And I think that we need to look outside of, like, the numbers that
are just spent, because somebody might say, oh, I spent a thousand
dollars on this microphone.
If you figure out what your value is per hour, right, and you're
doing tasks that I always say, don't bring you joy a certain
standard where, if I want to be able to direct somebody right that
I'm going to outsource stuff to, I need to learn enough about it so
that I can direct intelligently, right.
I know, you know, if somebody's saying to me well, it's taking me
five hours to do this, when I know, in fact, maybe it shouldn't be
taking five hours, because when you become a boss and you start
employing people, you have to be concerned about, okay, what's the
value of your employees and what are they bringing you, what are
you paying them right and how efficient can they be? And I think
also, george, it becomes where you now have to inspire the people
that work for you to want to do their best for you, that they want
to help move your company forward, and to do that, you've got to
pay them a fair rate you definitely do and you've got to inspire
them with things that they like to do right so that they join the
team right.
And that's a whole other set of boss skills that's a whole other
set of boss skills which I love.
22:06 - George Whittam (Guest)
The amazing person I brought in to do our customer service and
actually kind of act as a bit of an assistant to me as well. She
also is a graphic designer. So when I realized that she was getting
these skills, she was literally studying and I said you know what?
Let's try some things, let's get you doing some more creative
endeavors, and I'm paying her more for that. I said you know, track
your time when you're doing graphic design, when you're creating
our thumbnails and our promotional content for the socials and our
webinars, and that's a different rate. You tell me what you think
is a fair rate for your graphic design and then you have a rate for
all the other general work and she breaks up her billing that way
and so she's getting paid better for that work and that's going to
be much more fulfilling for her because it's creative stuff and I
think it's been working out really well. You know, my biggest fear
is her going away. If she goes, away.
That's going to be a giant pain in my neck to find another person
like her Finding good.
23:09 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
It's going to be very difficult, so I want to keep her
23:12 - George Whittam (Guest)
It's a delicate balance and I trust her. It sure is, you know, but
it's a tricky one. The more you rely on outside help, the more you
start realizing you need to make sure what will you do if that
person needs to be replaced? It's another skill.
23:27 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
And the people that work for you. They need to be better than you,
and I think that's an ego thing for a lot of people. Do you know
what I mean it's like? Oh no, I want to do it because I want to
have control over it. I mean, I'm a control freak. I know this. I
mean it took me a while, but once I started realizing that when you
hire people who are better than you at the tasks like I'm not a
graphic artist, so I want to hire somebody who's amazing at that
and then pay them what they're worth, they aren't bitter, they
don't feel like, oh, they're just working for pennies, and so they
get excited because you want to work with them and collaborate.
They get excited about helping you grow your business and you get
excited about helping them grow their skills or grow their career
as well under you. So I think it's something that bosses out there
can really start to think about.
How would you expand right? And I think now too, with the
technology and with AI and all this talk about the industry and how
it's changing, I think technology it's always good to educate
yourself on the technology evolve with the technology, those other
things that we're talking about in addition to voiceover, like
on-camera work, right? Voice actors maybe this is something that
you know. You want to present yourself more professionally to your
clients. What's involved in a good I don't know webcam or good
lighting for your studio and that sort of thing. So that's the sort
of thing that you can help them with as well in terms of expanding
and broadening their horizons, even outside of voice
So I love that you said that you were also delving into on-camera
and technology for expanding businesses, because I think voice
actors should also consider things like that. I mean, it's
something we've talked about on the podcast as well, as we're
moving forward along with this technology. What other services can
you offer your clients? What other things can you do? Are you going
to be making TikTok videos, right? How can you get your message out
there? How can you market yourself right so that people know you
exist, so they can hire you? And a part of that is getting out
there, getting heard, getting seen, and you can help with
25:26 - George Whittam (Guest)
And you might also be able to parlay that thing, because now you've
become the spokesperson for that channel or that brand or that
explainer and if you can now take that ability to create content
into a visual medium and you might move beyond just doing voice, if
you end up being comfortable on camera. You may not know if you're
comfortable on camera until you do it. When I started my first
podcast or really web channel, YouTube channel East West On your
Body Shop, you can go back and watch episode one.
25:58 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
Oh yeah, and I was like a deer in headlights Myself too.
26:01 - George Whittam (Guest)
I got a lot more comfortable on camera. So you know, as I evolve
and I start doing more and more interviews and interviewing others
and I'm going wow, I'm really comfortable doing this. I've actually
really enjoying this. How can I parlay this into a different? So
now I'm thinking about speaking engagements and doing speaking
I've gotten to teach in a couple of universities now. Wow, I love
doing that, so maybe I need to parlay that into another thing. So
I'm looking into speaking now. So it's just ever-evolving. If you
get stuck in one lane, you can quickly start feeling discouraged.
When that one lane that you chose starts grinding to a halt, you
really need to be ready to try new stuff Starts getting traffic
right and saturated.
26:47 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
I mean now I'm just thinking of that, you know, because after the
pandemic I mean I had so many people that I think got into
voiceover because of the pandemic and now I thought we were
saturated before. But there's a lot of people in there. I'm not
saying there isn't enough work, voiceover work. However, there's an
awful lot of people doing voiceover. So I think it's always healthy
for us to consider how we can always grow and always evolve. So I'm
going to ask you one last thing, george, before I have to run for
the day what would be your best advice that you would give someone
out there just getting into the industry?
27:21 - George Whittam (Guest)
Definitely work with a coach that understands the spectrum of what
you need to learn in a holistic way. That coach doesn't have to be
an expert in every aspect, but the coach should be very aware of
that. You need to learn these separate skills right. So someone
like Anne, for example. She knows a lot about a lot of things, but
she also knows when it's time to get another person involved a demo
producer, an expert engineer.
Yeah, that's so, so helpful, right, and it's so easy. These days
it's almost like getting support is just like dating. It's so easy
to just keep swiping right or swiping left. Which one is it?
Because you're like well, that was nice, let me try that guy, and I
hear that guy's good. Let's try that guy.
Hook your wagon to somebody for a while and focus in on what they
have to say and learn before you start constantly seeking fresh
perspectives. It doesn't mean fresh perspectives are bad, but you
really need to focus on one person's methodologies and get behind
them and then, after you've done it for a while, consider well, is
it the best way? Well, maybe I could learn a new skill, or maybe I
have another way to learn this that could save time. I never am
offended when a client says I worked with somebody else along the
way, but I do get concerned when somebody's pretty new and they've
already taken, let's say, consulting from three or four different
techs and four or five different coaches, because they're going to
have a lot of conflicting or somewhat differing opinions and you're
going to get so off base.
So find somebody that is well vetted, somebody that has like we
have our trusted partners page on our website. Everybody on there
is somebody we have worked with and trust. And hook your wagon to
somebody like Ann, so you have that one point of focus to help you
navigate all of this, and then they can help shut you off into
different directions for those specialty things. Otherwise it can
feel hopelessly confusing and there's just too much conflicting
information out there. So that's the best thing I can say Just find
one single point of trust, follow that person, get the advice they
can give you and find the expertise in different areas when you
need it, and go to georgethetech early and often. Yes.
29:41 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
Yes, yes, I was just going to say how can people get in touch with
you, george the tech?
29:44 - George Whittam (Guest)
You have your landing page right, Absolutely Slash.
29:48 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
Yep, is it slash? Be a boss, my gosh.
29:50 - George Whittam (Guest)
I don't have it memorized.
29:51 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
I have it like in a link, I think so I'll check it, I'll look it
I'll put that in the show notes. Yeah, I'll put it in the show
notes for services. I do have a nice little link that I can send to
you. That will save you some money on your first services with
George. So highly recommend. George. It's been so nice to have you
and I appreciate you pulling off to the side of the road and being
safe and talking with us today, and I'm going to give a great big
shout out to IPDTL you too can connect and network like bosses.
Find out more at IPDTLcom and George, it's been so wonderful
talking with you. I feel like we should do a series. We should do a
whole series with George the Tech.
30:31 - George Whittam (Guest)
We'll do another one in a proper environment when I'm in my home
studio, I promise. And, by the way, it's slash AG, so georgethetech
slash AG for Ann Ganguza. That'll take you to all the information
we have and our discount codes and come and visit us and learn from
us. We have so much useful content that's affordable and
accessible. So happy to be of service and thank you, ann. Thanks
for being so cool, a friend and being always a pleasure to talk to
yes. You're a blast to be around.
31:04 - Anne Ganguzza (Host)
I feel the exact same way about you. So thanks so much. All right,
bosses, you have an amazing week and we'll see you next week. Take
care, bye, bye.
31:13 - Intro (Announcement)
Join us next week for another edition of VO Boss with your host,
Anne Ganguza, and take your business to the next level. Sign up for
our mailing list at vobosscom and receive exclusive content,
industry revolutionizing tips and strategies and new ways to rock
your business like a boss. Redistribution with permission. Coast to
coast connectivity via IPDTL.