Jan 23, 2024
Intimidated by the daunting world of finances, specifically in the voiceover industry? Tag along with the BOSSES as we demystify the intricacies of money management. Our banter-filled conversation is set to shine a light on the critical role of financial discipline, understanding taxes, and the art of investment categorization for your business growth. We provide crucial insights on all things expenses - from domain names and web hosting to the nitty-gritty of audio editing software. We also tackle home studio costs and the relevance of physical inventory for product sellers. And for those lean times, we've got you covered with our practical strategies that ensure you stay on top of your game.
00:01 -
Intro (Announcement)
It's time to take your business to the next level, the boss level.
These are the premier business owner strategies and successes being
utilized by the industry's top talent today. Rock your business
like a boss, a VEO boss. Now let's welcome your host, Anne
00:20 - Anne (Host)
Hey everyone, welcome to the VEO Boss Podcast and the Boss
Superpower series. I'm here with my superpower boss co-host, Lau
Lapides. Hey hey.
Lau. How are you? Hey, I'm fab. How are you? I need to activate my
accounting financial superpowers because it is a new year and I've
got a business that I want to grow and I need to make some
investments and I need to really, I think, get my finances in
order. So I think we should talk. I know people hate talking or
even thinking about finances. However, I think we need to discuss
what could be on the agenda for your business this year and how can
you financially prepare.
01:09 - Lau (Co-host)
I love that, and if we don't understand our status with our money
and we don't have a good relationship with it and we don't have
trust with money and we don't know how to treat it, then we will
not have financial discipline and therefore not have the cash for
the investments we need to make throughout our year. And I speak
about that at every level. I mean, if you're making millions, even
more so because I know colleagues of mine that are millionaires
that are busted by the end of the year because they don't know how
to save, they don't know how to spend, they don't know how to
They're used to being managed by other people, and I think
management is wonderful when you're at a certain level, but it can
also be a curse and take a lot of that micro management over you
and then you're left with like, wow, how do I live life? How do I
earn money? What do I do with it?
02:01 - Anne (Host)
I've always tried to be so independent, just in my life and
financially independent as well, and so it really behooves us as
business entrepreneurs to understand even if we do let's say, I
always talk about my accountant and the best thing I ever did was
outsource my accounting but you also need to have an underlying
understanding and concept of financials so that you can direct your
accountant or also understand where's your money going, because
maybe sometimes your accountant I don't know maybe they're taking
it or maybe they're putting it in place is that you're not familiar
with. So not that I want to infer that there's anything shady going
on, but hey, we want to be educated.
02:43 - Lau (Co-host)
Yes, I also want people to think let's talk taxes, baby. Oh yes, I
am not an accountant, my husband is.
I do not get into that, but I will say running businesses, as you
know, Annie, everything at the end of the day, whether it's
quarterly, whether it's annual, you have to put you know one of the
first things we say and we're fairly conservative fiscally my
husband and I we joke. We say, oh, we just got a ton of money and
that's awesome, what are we going to do with it? Put it away. I'm
going to say I'm going to put 50% of that away from taxes for the
next quarter and I'll say good move.
03:16 - Anne (Host)
And I'm so glad that you brought that up. As a matter of fact, for
the next three months I have a certain amount of money that is
coming out because it might escort. I need to pay myself, and so I
need to pay myself. I need to prep. So by the end of the year I'm
not going to be paying tons and tons of money and taxes.
03:32 - Lau (Co-host)
And has that ever happened to you? Because that happened to us a
couple of times. It's devastating.
03:37 - Anne (Host)
Gosh, when I first started off in voiceover and I started making
money and I wasn't prepared, right At the end of the year I was
just like, yeah, I'll do the taxes at the end of the year, put it
off, put it off, put it off. And then, ultimately, at the end of
the year I was like, oh, my God, I owe. And then it was like, oh, I
don't just owe a little, I owed a lot. And then I was audited one
year. I'll be very frank in telling you that?
Not because I mean, I wasn't doing any funny business, but
literally sometimes you're a small business, right, and a lot of
times if you are making claims, they want to substantiate those
claims and make sure that you're doing your taxes
So it was a random audit. Actually, I was audited twice. I passed
both audits with flying colors. As a matter of fact, the last audit
they owed me. So it really goes to show that I was prepared, and
thank God I was prepared.
Again, like I said, I don't wait until the very last minute and I
don't know if I was intending for this episode to be talking about
taxes the whole time, but it all comes down to the end of the year,
right when you got to pay your taxes. And so you have to
understand, like, where is your money going, where is your
investments going, what costs do you have? And I think that's super
important, what are your costs and what is your income coming in?
And you should be looking at your profit, your PNL statement. What
is a PNL statement? I have people like I'm not even sure what a
PNL. It's a profit and loss statement. So that is something that
you should be familiar with, and if you're not, we're here to kind
of talk to you about the basics at least. I'm not a financial
advisor. However, I can share my experiences and I can tell you how
important it is to be educated and to understand that there will be
investments and you need to categorize those investments and you
need to categorize your profits.
05:19 - Lau (Co-host)
Yes, and at the end of the day, even though we don't want to talk
about taxes the entire time, we're not on a barter system. If IRS
comes, they're not going to take a cow right. They want money, they
want cash. So, just being honest, having integrity about your
business, just doing everything by the book, being very careful,
having a bookkeeper, having an accounting team having the people
you need on your side couldn't be more worth.
It just couldn't be. But let's talk about money in terms of, like,
fixed costs. Putting together your understanding what are my fixed
costs versus my movable, shakeable, flexible, variable costs, which
do vary month to month? How do you set it up, Annie? When you set
that up?
06:01 - Anne (Host)
Well, I don't remember which episode it was, but I did touch upon
this at one point. In terms of fixed costs, like for running your
business, there is the cost of I'm an S corp, so I have to pay a
certain amount of money every year right to maintain that license,
and so I also have to make sure that things that it costs for me to
run my business so not only the cost of the business itself, which
I pay to the state or I pay to the federal government I also am
paying things that would be like my website, my web hosting right.
That is something I pay on a monthly basis. That happens each and
every time. So those recurring costs I found to be well managed,
number one by my accountant and it's categorized in my
But also I downloaded an app. I pay for this app on a monthly basis
called Rocket Money, and Rocket Money will go out and grab all your
subscriptions, cause a lot of times you can be subscribed to things
that you forget about. This is the new way of doing businesses
those subscription models which I pay monthly for my domain names,
for my web hosting, which is the place where I host my websites,
kind of think what else, my subscriptions to my audio editing
software, twisted Wave or Adobe Audition. I also pay Adobe because
I have Adobe Acrobat, the Adobe Suite that I pay for. Goodness
gracious, this is so much, and I pay for a lot of things too, like
my Riverside subscription. Right, this is what we record our
podcast on. I pay for my Zoom connection. I pay for gosh, all these
backblades, which is my backup system Right.
07:40 - Lau (Co-host)
So here's the key, though, annie, is like we're lumping them all
together because that's everything that you do every month and in
your mind because you've been doing so long. Those are fixed costs,
right To a new person coming in for the first couple of years. Some
of those may be more variable in cost because, let's say, let's say
hypothetically, you're ready to do a blasting service like Constant
Contact or MailChimp or VO Boss or VO Boss, but we're blasting
things out to your hundreds or thousands of leads, right, and
you're gonna pay for that monthly. Now, we consider that kind of
fixed because we've been doing that collectively so long. But
someone coming in who's fairly new and say, well, can I spend that
$40, $50 a month or $90 a month to do that? That's more of a
variable cost, because they may or may not feel like I'm at a point
where that's gonna be beneficial. I may not have enough leads to do
that too. I'll do that in a year and see where I am in a year, but
I can't do that with my rent or my mortgage.
08:39 - Intro (Announcement)
I have to do that every month.
08:41 - Lau (Co-host)
That's a fixed cost right. So that's really interesting for us to
just reevaluate every year or every quarter, like what are our
variables that we're thinking of as fixed, Like if I think of
Google or I think of like storage on?
08:57 - Anne (Host)
Zoom, or I think of this. My mind it's fixed. My iPhone, my phone
bill for myself, I'm paying on a monthly basis that to me. I
consider that a fixed cost. But you're right, I mean, it all comes
down to what is it that is necessary to run your business? But,
interestingly enough, because most of us are home-based businesses,
now, brick and mortar, brick and mortar. Are you paying Brick and
mortar as well as I mean, we gotta consider our offices, our home
studios, right? Yes, as part of it. So for me it translates into
I've gotta pay the mortgage because if I don't have a house or I
don't have my home studio, I don't have my studio in my
09:33 - Intro (Announcement)
You gotta pay.
09:33 - Anne (Host)
Your insurance, gotta pay the water bill, gotta pay the internet,
oh my gosh internet.
09:37 - Intro (Announcement)
Utilities yes, Gotta pay electricity.
09:39 - Anne (Host)
Otherwise I'm not gonna have all of that to be able to run my
business at home. And you law have a brick and mortar as well, so
there's all of that which is considered fixed for you as
09:50 - Lau (Co-host)
Yes, it is, and that's not to say it can't shift and change. So if
I decide to move to a different place, then the costs would shift
and change, but they're always there. In other words, they don't
really leave, unless the caveat is I'm 22, I'm trying to save
money. I move in with my parents. They're gonna pay a lot of those
bills for me for a year. I don't have to worry about that. They're
gonna let me save money. Okay, that's your caveat. But other than
that, when you're in the world, those are now part of our business,
because if we don't take care of those, we literally can't run the
10:22 - Anne (Host)
And, believe it or not, on a very small scale. Right, I have
physical inventory because I sell a vocal throat care line and a
vocal spray along with my vocal essentials, right? So there's
inventory. I need to purchase inventory so that I can create those
sprays, also to run that business.
10:41 - Lau (Co-host)
And we would have merchandise Exactly that we may wanna take to a
conference or we may wanna do a swag bag giveaway at a networking
meeting or whatever. That's the inventory you speak of. That is
really variable, it's not really fixed, it's still a variable cost.
But for us it's important that we continue to do that to promote
the business.
10:59 - Anne (Host)
Absolutely absolutely.
11:00 - Lau (Co-host)
Right, I love this conversation. This is so good. So what happens?
I get in trouble. I find that I'm not doing as much voiceover work
this month as I see happen Quite often times. People come in, they
start crying, they're upset, they're like I might have to get
another job. I might have to pull back on my spending. Where do we
go first to pull back on that spending? We go to the
11:24 - Anne (Host)
Yep, great question. Yeah, absolutely, the variables. I mean, what
can I do to save money, number one, or cut down on costs? And
again, as your business evolves and as things evolve, everything,
that's really important that we take a look at that, gosh, at least
I mean I look at that every month, if not more than that. And I
know that, especially when things are lean right, you've got more
time right. If you've got more time, you've got more time to. Let's
take a look at our marketing. Let's take a look at our investments.
What are we spending right and what can we cut back on?
And I know, for me, some of mine was subscriptions that were no
longer serving me, right, I was like, okay, well, I guess I don't
need that. And then I've got things like I have a Peloton
subscription. Am I using it? Because that's a certain amount of
money? Am I watching the Discovery channel? Can I cut back on that?
Those subscriptions? And in reality, by the way, my cable, and
well, I guess, do you call it cable, my streaming, my streaming
subscriptions are part of my business because I am researching the
market, right, and I'm listening to commercials, I'm seeing what's
out there, I'm educating myself on trending sound, trending voices,
educating myself as a coach for my students right. So that is
considered a business expense.
12:45 - Lau (Co-host)
I would add a personalized list to this. So you have your fixed
cost, you have your variable, but then you have your very personal
expenses. That could be one or the other but if I'm hurting for
money and I gotta go skinny one month, I'm gonna go to that
personalized list.
So a very simple example of that is I'll always ask a client. I'll
say listen, what are you doing this weekend? What did you do last
weekend? Oh, I went to the movies cool. What did you spend on that?
Oh, that was 15 bucks great. Did you get any food or drink there? I
did. I think that was about 30 bucks great. Did you go out to
dinner Super. I think I spent 25 bucks on fast food great. Did you
spend on gasoline? Yeah, I think I spent five or six bucks. Add
that up. That is the money that can go into your investment piece
when you really need the coaching session.
13:32 - Anne (Host)
You really need that event. You really need that. Can I skip the
Starbucks? I remember that's the biggest thing. Can I skip the
Starbucks? I'm gonna skip the Starbucks.
13:38 - Lau (Co-host)
And I have to say, annie, I'm not a financial advisor, so I'm not
advising you financially. I'm advising you from a logical
perspective of saying be careful of saying to yourself, lying to
yourself and saying I don't have the money, when really you should
be saying let me find the money or create the money
We used to go under the cushions to find the change and put it in a
big jar. Now we can go to what we're spending, what we're actually
spending, and find the change in that jar. A Starbucks which we
love five, six bucks. A cup of that that I may need to put into my
coaching session.
14:17 - Anne (Host)
Absolutely Hands down. One of the smartest things I ever did was
create that business savings account. And then where are you going
to put that business savings account? I literally just moved my
business savings account from my bank to a higher yield interest
bank and I'll tell you what it made the difference between oh gosh,
I might have made gosh my bank was paying me nothing. I was like
0.001. And I think I was making like maybe $5 a year.
Well, guess what? I'm 5% APY 5%. And when you invest that now, I've
made thousands of dollars for this year and then that can be
reinvested in my business. So that savings account also is what
saved me from when things get lean, when the jobs aren't coming in,
when things slow down and then all of a sudden, oh my goodness,
what am I gonna do. And it saves you from that panic where you
probably do yourself more harm than good with that guttural like oh
my God, I am gonna have to like get a job or I'm gonna have to
Voiceover it's just not working. It's in that panic that I have a
lot of people they come to me. I just I can't. I can't invest in a
demo, I can't invest in coaching, because I'm just not making it
back. And again, that is something that you really do need to
understand that there are investments to be made. If you have the
money put aside to make those investments right, that makes you
feel a whole lot more comfortable and a lot less panicky, whether
you're like oh, I said I gotta get out, I can't do this anymore, or
you become discouraged, and then it really becomes a whole mental
game. And that, I think, is the toughest part about voice acting
right Voice acting the acting we can always practice.
We can hone our skills, we can become better at what we do. But
that business sense that when the business is slow, when all of a
sudden it's like, oh my God, this isn't working or how do I
survive, you go into that like fight or flight kind of mode and
really having that nest egg, having that savings account that can
be earning interest, having that passive income, all that good
stuff, that can be that little pocket of confidence that's what I
say that little pile of financial confidence is huge in, I think,
growing and pursuing your voice of our business
16:32 - Lau (Co-host)
Yeah, and we all know those of us who have been in business for a
number of years it's never what you make. It is never what you
make. It is not about gross, it's about net. So it's about what you
take home. That is, showing us how you are spending and investing
your money, your gross income. And so having that level of
sacrifice, of humility and of modesty to understand that just
because I want something does not mean I need it or should have it.
So if you're willing to sacrifice and give up something, you
probably have more shot of building an actual business, because the
business has the needs. You don't have the needs as much as the
business has the needs.
And I wanted to say too what you're talking about, which is so
important and we're doing that as well as diversification of your
money. So not only if it's not making interest, if it's not
building wealth for you, then you move it. But here's the thing
there's a couple of really important reasons to move the money. Not
only does if your bank goes bust. You don't have everything in one
17:34 - Anne (Host)
17:35 - Lau (Co-host)
You're only insured, too, for a certain amount, right, but also
you're literally setting up accounts for yourself that you
hopefully will forget about. So you're not spending it, you're not
touching it. It's growing, it's working for you, right? So that you
don't have this. Don't think of it as like one clump, one lump of
something. It's really different pieces that you're diversifying
into the world. You may want to invest, you may want to go into the
stocks, you may want to do that kind of thing, right? So the point
is is like okay, I've got my business, it's great, it's moving in
the direction I wanted to move in, but what am I sacrificing? What
am I doing to make money and make it grow for me, and how am I
treating it? Like? How do I think of money? I hear a lot of people,
especially women, talk about money, talk about negotiation, talk
about contracts in a really negative light, like in a very heavy
way. They are either fearing it, they don't want to talk about
18:30 - Anne (Host)
I think most of it is fear absolutely Based in fear, and most of it
is fear right.
It's kind of like I don't want to go there, I don't want to talk
about it, I want to kind of just go back to something we were
talking about in terms of investing and kind of making sure that
you have the money to invest in that next piece of equipment, or do
I need that new microphone? Do I need? I'm going to give you an
analogy and I'm going to be very frank. I have in my clothes
closet. I have these little cubby holes for my shoes.
Now I bought them gosh a long time ago and I think I I don't know
if I got them in IKEA, but they're great. They're little cubby
holes and you can fit a pair of shoes in each cubby hole, and so I
bought a series of them to put around. We have a walk-in closet to
put on the floor and my husband has one of the boxes which holds
12, right, and I literally have probably eight. I have 70 cubby
holes Okay, 70. Now I made a deal with myself that I would never
buy more shoes than could fit in that cubby hole, and so if I
wanted to purchase a new pair of shoes, I had to give up another
pair of shoes or donate it or sell it on Poshmark or
19:34 - Lau (Co-host)
Wait a second, annie, I just did some math. Are you saying you have
98 pairs? If you have 12 and you have eight of those right, or 90,?
What is that? 96? All right, so I say 70. Should I call?
19:49 - Anne (Host)
you a melda now.
19:50 - Lau (Co-host)
Should I really name you a melda?
19:51 - Anne (Host)
I'm going to say it's 70. I don't know how many boxes there are,
so, whatever right, 70. I have 70 holes. I have 70
19:57 - Lau (Co-host)
You just have to stay in that denial, stay at 70. Stay at
20:01 - Anne (Host)
Now I can't purchase a new pair of shoes until I decide that I'm
going to let another pair of shoes go. And if I can't, I'm going to
try to sell those shoes. But if I can't, I'm going to donate them
right so that they go to someplace. I'm that kind of person where I
have to love my shoes right, do you wear?
20:17 - Lau (Co-host)
all those shoes? Be honest, do you wear all?
20:19 - Intro (Announcement)
Not anymore.
20:19 - Anne (Host)
I don't no but I used to right and so, literally, as I've aged a
little bit, I mean the heels got to come down a little
20:27 - Intro (Announcement)
I can't quite fit in those.
20:28 - Anne (Host)
Well, I can't walk in those higher ones anymore, but I still love
to look at them. But that is like I feel like your business needs
to operate in that way, right, you cannot make an investment more
than you have. Like, you should not spend more than you have. I
should not have more shoes than cubby holes, right? Because then it
starts to look cluttered, it starts to look like a big mess, and
so, therefore, I have put myself on a plan, right, where this helps
me to. This helps me to manage my shoes, like I would say, manage
your finances in the same way, right, you don't want to make
investments with money you don't have, right, and you want to make
sure that, if you have, how many microphones do you have? Like, you
should not have more microphones than places to put those
microphones right, okay, all right, I have a term for
21:14 - Lau (Co-host)
This is from my husband, jeremy, who is actually a controller CFO
type accountant his whole life.
He says listen, and I always hated this, it always made me cringe,
it was cringe worthy, but he's so right. And that is don't live
above your means. Absolutely Don't live above your means. And he's
not only talking about financially, he's also talking about
emotionally and spiritually as well. So I have taught myself. My
father, who's an entrepreneur, taught me this too. He said buy
something, get rid of something. Yes, oh my God, buy something,
yes, yes, and not just kick it to the curve, but give it to the
right place.
Give it to the right place, give it to the right place and boy, did
that save my day learning how to do that and really learning to let
go and learning to move around it. That's really good.
21:57 - Anne (Host)
That's really good, for I mean being frugal and being wise
financially and also like mentally, like I feel like you can't have
too much clutter, because physical clutter turns to be clutter in
your head. And I actually took a feng shui course many, many years
ago. It was like a six month course. I mean, it was
22:15 - Intro (Announcement)
I love it, I love it, you should never put things under your
22:19 - Anne (Host)
Don't store things under your bed. Don't store things because it's
kind of like clutter anywhere, really like clear out your
22:26 - Lau (Co-host)
Clutter anywhere physically means clutter in your head, right so
when it comes to your money, you need to compartmentalize it
Absolutely. How do you call that when you label it like we would
give away key?
22:38 - Anne (Host)
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. What do you call that? We
label it. We're Maria Condoing, right Condoing, but that's what it
22:44 - Lau (Co-host)
It's like knowing what you want to do with each piece of your life
financially. Yeah, it's very freeing. There's a very openness to
it, there's a breath in there, you know. Yeah, absolutely I love
that. I love clearing the financial space.
22:58 - Anne (Host)
That's what I like.
22:59 - Intro (Announcement)
Clear the financial space.
23:01 - Anne (Host)
Especially in the beginning of the year. It's always a great time
to do that, to really sit back, and it may be hard. Right To sit
back and take a look at where is the money going. How much are you
spending? Are you spending more than you're bringing in? But again,
like no more shoes than you have cubby holds.
23:18 - Lau (Co-host)
And also test yourself, like once you give it away, like let a
month go by and test yourself, say what did I give away? Do I even
remember what?
23:26 - Intro (Announcement)
it was, and I never remember.
23:28 - Lau (Co-host)
I never remember the clothes or whatever.
23:31 - Anne (Host)
If I haven't thought about it or used it in a year, it's good to go
23:35 - Intro (Announcement)
It's good to go right. As much as I love it, that's most
23:37 - Anne (Host)
I'll kiss it and I'll give it away and I'll say this deserves to go
to someone. I'll donate it. This deserves to go to someone who will
love it as much as I did. Really.
23:46 - Lau (Co-host)
And then you're very Native American about it. It reminds me like,
take the shoes to the river and just write a note and let them
float away. Absolutely you know To someone else's feet. But that's
what we need to do, because it makes us open to what is coming,
like if you're so cluttered in your financial portfolio you can't
invite anything in and allow the money to flow to you like a river
24:10 - Intro (Announcement)
Oh, I love that you don't want your river to stagnate.
24:12 - Anne (Host)
You don't want to block your river Again. No more shoes than cubby
holes. Don't block your river with twigs, Just say allow the river
of money to flow, I mean we're out of all here. Let's just imagine
that financial flow coming to you and manifesting that.
24:28 - Lau (Co-host)
Hallelujah and manifesting that Amen. I feel like doing a song
right now, but I mean it's like language. If you're scripting, be
careful the language you use to describe your money and your
financial status. Don't be cheap, don't be dumb, don't be
24:46 - Anne (Host)
You're not greedy. If you appreciate money and you invited it, you
are not greedy. That's like an old one. People say, oh, you're
greedy. Although rich people are greedy, they just want more.
Honestly, people who are wealthy are some of the most philanthropic
people that give.
25:00 - Intro (Announcement)
And we've had that discussion before.
25:01 - Anne (Host)
But I mean really being rich isn't rich right Money rich,
financially rich and spiritually rich.
25:09 - Lau (Co-host)
It's all about you allowing the flow and not blocking it right with
clutter and paying attention to details, Don't ignore it and don't
act like you don't know how to deal with it. It's like treat it as
if it's a person and you have a relationship with it. Would you say
some of the things you say about money, about the person like, oh,
I don't know how to deal with that, I just ignore it and I just let
someone else deal with it? I don't think that relationship would go
very far. You know what I mean. It's like treat it like a person,
in the sense that there's a lot of potential movement and
liberation that can come with that and what it represents. It's
just symbolic of the kind of life and lifestyle and mindset that
you want to have.
25:52 - Anne (Host)
25:53 - Lau (Co-host)
And I always say too, you know, someone says to me Law, why do you
want to make a lot of money? I've had the executive coaches ask me
that and I said the first thing that comes to my mind is because I
want to have more money to pay my team members. Yeah, oh, I love
that. Yeah, I think in terms of investment, I always think in terms
of what can I do with this money? That empowers even more, versus,
oh, I'll buy another thing or I'll have another, whatever, I don't
really need it. I would rather see it move in directions that can
make a lot of people happy and things going on and that can only
help your business, because, honestly, I feel like you're in
26:30 - Anne (Host)
I think about myself in the corporate world. What does it makes us
miserable in the corporate world? Oh God, we don't like our
colleagues, we don't like our boss. We're boss. It's a toxic
environment. I don't make enough money. Exactly Like, if you think
about it, if you're treated well in your environment, if you have
employees that you're paying and you treat them well and you
appreciate them, they're only going to work that much harder for
you and you have to incentivize them to want to work for your
business, and that is one way to do that.
So I love this conversation. Again, it's probably something we
could have. 20 episodes on Law, I think we will somehow. I think we
will. But speaking of allowing yourself to allow that money to
flow, if you have a local nonprofit that's close to your heart and
you would like to keep the cycle and keep paying it forward, if
you've ever wished you could do more to help them, you can visit
100voiceswhocareorg to learn how and big shout out to our sponsor,
ipdtl you too can connect and network like bosses, just like law
and I. So you guys have an amazing week and let's keep that river
flowing. All right, bye, have a great week, bye.
27:40 - Intro (Announcement)
Join us next week for another edition of VO Boss with your host,
ann Gangusa, and take your business to the next level. Sign up for
our mailing list at vobosscom and receive exclusive content,
industry revolutionizing tips and strategies and new ways to rock
your business like a boss. Redistribution with permission. Coast to
coast connectivity via IPDTL yeah.
28:07 - Anne (Host)
Hey, hey everyone. I don't know why I wasn't ready for that. Take
two, Take two, hey everyone. Welcome to the VO Boss podcast and the
Boss Superpower series. I am here with my super power.
28:26 - Lau (Co-host)
Take three.
28:27 - Anne (Host)
Hey everyone, welcome to the VO Boss. Hey everyone, welcome. God,
take five, yeah, take 105.