Jan 31, 2023
Fear is a powerful force, and one that can hold you back from
reaching your full potential. But fear doesn't have to be a bad
thing. If you let fear in and learn from it, you'll be able to
overcome the obstacles that keep you from achieving success as a
voice actor. This may seem counterintuitive, but when you're afraid
of something, whether it's a new genre, emerging technology, or a
difficult conversation, you can use that fear as motivation to push
yourself beyond your comfort zone. Bosses, you can't grow without
fear. Listen up to learn how you can turn what you're most afraid
of into positive actions that will transform your voice over
>> It’s time to take your business to the next level, the
BOSS level! These are the premiere Business Owner Strategies and
Successes being utilized by the industry’s top talent today. Rock
your business like a BOSS, a VO BOSS! Now let’s welcome your host,
Anne Ganguzza.
Anne: Hey hey, everyone, welcome to the VO BOSS Podcast and the
Business Superpower series. I'm your host, Anne Ganguzza, and I am
so happy to bring back to the show, Lau Lapides. Hey
Lau: Hey, how are you, Anne?
Anne: I'm doing good, actually. oh, wait, I should start that over
because I need like, ooh, <laugh>.
Lau: Ooh. Are you doing sound effects or no?
Anne: I'm doing sound effects, Lau. I needed sound effects for
Lau: I got one for you. Ready?
Anne: All right.
sound) What's that?
Lau: You know, that's the serial killer. That's Mike Meyers and all
of that. Friday the 13th.
Anne: Oh my God. See, so I don't watch horror films or scary
Lau: Gotcha.
Anne: But what, that actually brings us to a great topic for today
since it is near the holiday, the scary, spooky holiday. What
scares you? What scares you, BOSSes, and how do you deal with fear?
I think that's a really great topic. Lau, I mean, we've talked
about fear prior to this, but we haven't really concentrated on it.
I am a firm believer that you need to do something scary every
single day, <laugh> in order to grow.
Lau: I love that.
Anne: In order to grow.
Lau: That's what the great Eleanor Roosevelt said, right? I do
something every day that scares you. I would agree with that. I
would definitely agree with that. And if it means just simply
stepping outside your box, getting uncomfortable, we have these
conversations every day, right, Anne, with the clients and each
other, like how do we get uncomfortable to stretch ourselves and to
learn? And yeah, to get a little scared, to get a little
frightened, like get the dopamine kick going so that you can push
yourself and really stretch yourself? Yeah. I think it's important
to get scared.
Anne: So what's frightening, do you think, for most new talent when
they come into this industry and try to be a success? Maybe that's
the scariest thing, right?
Lau: Yeah. Yeah. I think fear is the number one factor for
Anne: I do too, fear of failure, right?
Lau: Yeah. It can mean your ultimate success or your ultimate
demise, and how you respect fear, how you treat fear, how you
accept fear into your life, and then how you overcome it. I really
think that you have to just grab a hold of fear and understand it's
healthy to feel fear. Your survival fight or flight technique does
kick in, right, when you're doing new things.
But to answer your question, I think a lot of things scare newbies.
And one is, you know how the market can be saturated. It can be
lots and lots of people that are working, that you may perceive to
be ahead of you or professionals, and you're coming in and you
don't know exactly what you're doing just yet. And feeling like
that fish out of water can be a very scary experience.
Anne: Yeah. Well, let's start with that, right? Not necessarily
knowing what you're doing. I think that was in the very beginning
for me, coming out of the corporate world or wherever you're coming
from to get into this industry is maybe, number one, not knowing
everything there is to know about the industry. And by the way, we
all don't know everything, but <laugh>, you gain experience
over the years. Fear of navigating a business when if you have
never done that before, I think that probably surpasses all of my
fears. I mean, first you've got the fear, am I good enough to make
it and to be successful?
But then it's like, oh gosh, well, what do I do? How do I create a
business? What do I even do to start? Do I need to have a DBA? Do I
need to incorporate? What sort of things do I need to do to run
this business and accounting? Like I've never done accounting, I've
never negotiated a job. All of those things. And it all seems to
just kind of happen at once in the beginning of your career. And I
think that that can be overwhelming to some people.
Lau: You know, when you said accounting, your eyes got really,
really big. It was like a 1920s talkie. It was like
Anne: Accounting. Oh my gosh.
Lau: No!
Anne: Right?
Lau: But, but see, the physiological reaction you do have to ideas
and concepts that really do cause this physical distress. And I
would say failure overall, like the fear of failure. What if this
doesn't go well? What if I am terrible? What if I don't make money?
What if I can't get a job? What if, what if, what if? That's really
scary to a lot of people.
Anne: Right? And I'll tell you, when I first started full-time and
we moved from the east coast to the west coast, I had said to my
husband, Jerry, until I get on my feet, hopefully you'll get a job
that can pay you a little bit better. And so it can kind of
compensate, and we'll be able to afford the cost of living. And
once he got here, literally, I think it was nine months, they laid
him off. And that became very scary because I still was getting my
wheels turning and spinning and making money full-time for the
business. But once that second source of finance kind of fell
<laugh>, it was like, whoa. Now I was really scared because I
felt like I had a lot of pressure to do well and contribute to the
household because he was kind of taking care of things until I was
getting my business set up.
So that really put a lot of fear. But what was cool about it in a
way, is that it motivated me. So fear really worked as a motivation
for me to get my butt in gear. And if I was afraid of anything,
like how do I market, how do I
certainly took a step towards educating myself. And I think that is
one way to really combat your fears, is to educate yourself on the
thing that you are most afraid of, like accounting or running a
business. Do I need to register my business? How do I register my
business? How can I get voiceover jobs? How can I market myself?
Well, I think a good thing to start with is education. And I love
the internet. I love Google. Like people have called me Anne
GanGoogle because yes, I use it for everything. Right?
Lau: That's catchy.
Anne: Yeah. I mean, you don't have to go to the library anymore,
and all the young people are gonna go, what? What <laugh> you
used to have to go to the library? Yeah. We used to have to
Lau: What is a library?
the library and check out books. But now at our fingertips, really,
we have so much information, so much information that we can use to
educate ourselves. And I think that's the first step to helping you
to challenge that fear and get over that fear. Education, knowledge
is power.
Lau: Mm. Education is key. Yeah, I'm right over there because
knowledge is power. And you do feel, we're talking about
superheros, right? We're talking about how we get empowered and
powerful in the industry, especially when you're new. This is true
of anything. When you're new at something, you're learning, you're,
you're trying to get experiential and it takes time. It's not an
overnight success.
Anne: Yeah.
Lau: It really does take time. And just kind of understanding that,
having the knowledge, having the education. Totally, totally good.
And the fear, I mean, when I think about fear, I think of how does
community, my family, my friends, my colleagues, how do they view
me? What are they saying to me? I might be a little fearful. Are
they gonna judge me? Are they gonna think this is for real? Are
they gonna support me? Are they going to try to stop me or put a
boundary in my way? I've met a lot of clients, and I know you have
as well, unfortunately, that didn't have the support, and in fact
had sort of axes thrown at them all the way through and dodging
people just to get to where they want to be. They just didn't have
the support system. So that is scary. That is scary, not having a
tribe, not having that community surrounding you that supports
Anne: Yeah, exactly. I think that in addition to education, having
the support group around you, and it just brings me to the episode
that we did about your VO tribe. So very important to have that
support, especially because we work by ourselves. We're typically
in our booths and coworkers are not around us. And so having that
verbal support where if you've got a question or you're nervous,
you can reach out to someone and get some support there. And family
is very important, I think, because uh, <laugh>, I think
maybe all of us have had at least one member of the family that has
said, what do you do? Like, what is this? <Laugh>? What is
Lau: What is, why would you
Anne: What is is voiceover? Yeah. I don't understand. So, I do
think that the support of your family, first and foremost, is
wonderful. And if you don't have that, the VO community is a
wonderful community. I'd say be very careful and social media can
be wonderful, but it can also be, oh gosh, it can also not be so
wonderful. So <laugh>, I think that if you have
accountability groups or support groups on Facebook, people that
you can write to, ask questions to, that's gonna be very helpful
for you as well.
I think that there's something to be said for, yes, it's great to
have that support, but I think it's also something that if you can
challenge yourself on a daily basis, like I said, try to do
something every day that scares you a little bit. Like if you've
never gotten out there to market or sent an email to an agent, I
think that writing those kind of tasks down, things that scare you,
and then attempting to maybe backtrack the steps that it takes to
get you to that point and just try to attack one of those every
Lau: Absolutely. And that is scary because again, it's new. It's
something you're not accustomed to. You don't know, am I doing this
the right way? What are they expecting of me? I think that is one
of the areas that people stop. They just get stopped in their
track. And I thought of another one, Anne, for you, this is very
common, I see this, the fear of technology. And many of us fall
into it at different levels, right? Like how technology driven you
are, how knowledgeable you are about equipment. Are you good at
setting up your studio? How do you upgrade and level up? I mean,
these are all areas that terrify people. Really.
Anne: I agree. I agree. And you know, technology, see, you hit my
soft spot there. <laugh> And BOSSes that don't know
I mean, I think a lot of BOSSes know me, but if you don't, I am
very, very much technology oriented. I worked in technology, I
still work in technology, and I like to be on the bleeding edge of
it, speaking of things that are scary. And one of the reasons I
like that is because I feel like for me, I always take the stance
that technology is there to help us progress, to help us advance in
society. And it's not evil. You can certainly take that stance if
you'd like, that technology is evil. But I don't think that either
way you're going to stop the advancement of technology. I think
technology would be, oh gosh, so much further if we didn't put a
stop to it. If humans didn't say, no, no, no, no, no all the time,
I think we would be further along in our technological
And I like to believe in the good of technology. And that includes,
I speak the words of synthetic voices. We're not stopping them.
They're coming. And I think we just need to know about them and
know all that we can about them in order for us to really be able
to manage our business. We have to be able to manage our
they're going to be alongside us; whether we partake in them or
not, we're going to need to learn how to deal with them. So if they
happen to take parts of the industry away, or people prefer the
synthetic voices for maybe shorter news blasts or telephony
prompts, whatever it may be, we need to evolve in our industry to
kind of work alongside that.
And maybe what we need to do is hone our performance skills in
another genre. The first thing that I always tell my students is
make sure that you are acting, and you are acting as human as
possible. Because that's exactly the opposite of what the synthetic
voices are at this moment. So we can offer a product that is unique
to us. So work on your performance skills so that you can be more
human than ever. And I think that that's one way to face the
challenge. And also for any technological piece of this business
that you're scared of or not familiar with, take a
Lau: Yes.
Anne: I mean, educate yourself or outsource that. Just make sure
that you understand enough about the technology so that when you
outsource that you can manage the person that is taking care of
your technology. And I'll say one thing probably most people like
to outsource is their website. I know what a website is capable of.
I know what I want in a website, but I don't make websites. And so
for that reason, I hire someone to help me. But I know enough about
that website that I can log into the website, I can go and make
tiny changes on the content. Or if I don't know how to do that
specifically, I have a methodology to make those changes. Right? I
have somebody who can make those changes, and then I have a backup
to somebody that can make those changes, so that I am never going
to be at a loss for controlling that technology.
Lau: Hmm. I love that. And at the end of the day, if you wanna be a
voiceover talent, just the bottom line is, like you have to create
a home studio. You don't
Anne: Oh yeah.
have a choice anymore. The industry standard. The best practices
that you're gonna have. Even minimal, but some sort of recording
system at home that you can feel good about, you can feel strong
about, you can troubleshoot, you can upgrade. I think the days of
relying on going to other studios and having engineers do
everything for you is passed, is passé. So as a VO talent, it's
really a necessary evil, so to speak that, you know, enough base
knowledge that you could cut an audition for yourself and feel good
about it.
Anne: Yeah. Well, and just not worry that you don't have good
sound. I had a wonderful series on BOSS audio with Tim Tippetts,
and just the simple fact
now he built this studio, custom built this studio for me. And I
walk into it every day understanding that this is solid. I am not
going to have any type of environment acoustic issues in this
studio. The only thing that might go wrong at this point,
the structure is solid and the structure is built. And that is a
major level of fear, I think, for most talent when they get into
the industry, is getting that space, right, acoustically sound and
ready to produce broadcast audio.
And so really, I can walk into the studio every day, and I don't
have the fear that my environment is not working for me. And that
is a huge relief. That's a huge relief. And that was something,
again, I outsourced someone to do for me. And it took care of that
fear. It alleviates the fear of that now. Now my fear is that, I
don't know, maybe my cable is bad or my microphone for whatever
reason. But again, that's another technological part that I
understand that if something happens to that technology, I know how
to fix it. Or if I don't know how to fix it, I can replace it with
the backup. And I go back to
I know I've had an episode prior to this with Erikka J about
backups and technology and back up your backups. And that's always
a good thing so that you're never in a spot where you cannot
complete the job. And that causes fear. That causes
Lau: It does. And having people on your team, whether they're
contractors that you can call in people that you can delegate
to help fix things. Oh yeah. Uh, folks, you know, that are reps
that can call in for technical advice. Like you have to have that
ready to go.
Anne: Oh yeah.
Lau: You can't wait until something goes wrong.
Anne: Absolutely.
Lau: Right? So, and it to alleviate the stress, alleviate the fear.
I got another one for you. How about the fear of your voice, your
vocal apparatus not working well?
Anne: Oh yeah.
Lau: Not being able to have longevity health or having health
issues, related issues like allergies or asthma or anything coming
into play. Because after all, we're just, and there's so many
things in the world
yeah. Acid reflux. We're human beings in the world. So we have to
live every day and figure out, okay, how do I live as clean as I
can? How do I take care of my body and my mind? How do I do all
that? But when something goes wrong, see, this is where
professional actors and singers really have it over the average
person, like if sick with the flu or God forbid Covid, or they have
a terrible allergy attack, they know how to overcome it. They have
techniques. They have herbal remedies, they know what vocal rest
means. They know how to work through the sickness. Whereas the
average person doesn't. So I think that there's a fear in folks at
all ages that, oh, am I gonna be able to get through a two or three
hour session? Am I gonna be able to have quality sound from
Anne: Well, I think in terms of voice, am I going to be able to
make a two hour session or a three
depending on what you're doing, right, that's definitely a concern.
If you're doing video games, you're doing efforts and you're really
working that, that instrument hard, then there are, you know,
exercises of course, that you can do to build those muscles up. And
of course there are sometimes that you absolutely cannot help it if
you are sick. Right? And you have a cold. And so in those cases, I
think to alleviate any kind of fear that you're, you're gonna lose
work, then work on those relationships with your clients. Right? So
that if you are sick, we are all human. I mean, it's very
understandable. And we did just say we're still going through a
pandemic or we're, you know
that's, that's very understandable. And I think that clients will
be understanding if you've got a good relationship with that. And
so I think to alleviate the fear there is, have good relationships
with your clients and be authentic. Be human.
Lau: Be human. And Anne, I actually had something happen not too
long ago with one of our talents in our roster that is a wonderful
talent, but he didn't make the right choice. And what was the
choice? He was sick. He was sick one day. And he chose to go
through a session with a client and the client listened to it. They
knew he was sick, he was at his home studio so he could do this
easily. And they said, we have to tell you, Lau, we're a little
annoyed because he only has half of his voice. It's not what we
hired and we don't know why he didn't cancel and reschedule the
session. Now we got to go through it again. And he was fine. We
didn't charge them more money. The talent was like apologetic. He
said, I should have told you. I didn't wanna be a nonprofessional
by not showing up. I said, It's not about not showing up. It's
about communicating what is actually happening and allowing your
client to make that choice. Let them make the choice.
Anne: Oh, absolutely, your voice is your product. And so, it really
becomes, at that point, I think professionally, remember that our
voice is our product. And if our voice is not in good shape, you
wouldn't deliver a product that is tattered and torn and worn and
raspy. If you were a client, you certainly wouldn't want that. So
you always have to be conscious of that fact. And that is, your
voice should be in tiptop shape because that is your product. And
the more professional thing is to, yeah, when it's not in tiptop
shape, have that relationship with the client to say, look, I'm not
feeling well and I just wanna give you a heads up.
And I do that all the time with my clients, and they're very, very
understanding. I've had clients wait like weeks, like a good couple
of, if they have the time. I mean, if it's not a thing where you
have to do a live session and it has to be done yesterday, but I've
had some clients that have been able to wait a couple weeks, push
things out because they value the product. They value the product
that I give to them. And so, again, I think that that's something
that to alleviate any kind of fear, work on those relationships,
nurture those relationships, and yeah. You're gonna be fine. What
other things, Lau, do you think voice talent are afraid of these
Lau: Uh, well, I would say, uh, many voice talent create a healthy
fear of doing jobs or taking copy that they would consider to be
outside of their wheelhouse. They would consider to be not as
comfortable for them. If they're like, let's say they're commercial
talent, and they're typically doing commercial work and that's what
they do. Sometimes they're not as open to the idea of doing, say
character work or animation.
they say, I don't really do that. That's not in my wheelhouse. Or,
I don't really do a lot of narration work. I'm not that kind of
actor. I'm not that kind of person. Or they'll even say, I'm not an
actor at all. I'm just a voiceover talent.
Anne: Yeah. Yeah.
Lau: Right. It's so funny to me to say that because I
consider every voice of talent an actor to some
Anne: Absolutely. Me too.
Lau: But there is a fear of auditioning or submitting for jobs that
are not within your branding or not within the kinds of jobs that
you're typically getting. Like something bad will happen. They'll,
they won't hire me and they'll call, call me a bad talent. I get, I
won't get work in other areas as well. That's a fear.
Anne: Yeah. I think absolutely, to stretch yourself outside of your
comfort zone. And there's lots of great coaches out there that can
help you if you want to explore a different genre and get good at
that genre. And even with auditions, I always try to go with my gut
when I see auditions and I say, okay, that feels like it's my
wheelhouse. But yeah, every once in a while I'll look at an
audition, I'll say, well, what the heck? Let's give it a shot. And
it's so funny because a lot of times the ones that I just say,
well, let me give me a shot, surprisingly, I'll do well or I'll get
the gig. And so I think, you know, stretching outside of your
comfort and you click that send and you're like, oh my God, I hope
again, if you ever had one of those turn around on you, I think
that would give you the confidence to stretch yourself outside of
your comfort zone.
I'm gonna name something else that I'm pretty sure a lot of talent,
even talent that have been around for a while and have done this
for a while, is negotiating a job if they don't have an agent on
their behalf. Right? Or raising their rates. Right? Or sticking to
their rates.
Lau: Wait a second, that's the best ever.
Anne: Right, right?
Lau: Especially for women, but yes. Yes for
Anne: And people always say to me, well, I don't know what to
charge. Okay. First of all, we are entrepreneurs, right? I mean, in
reality it is our business. And so it is up to us, unless we've got
an agent working on our behalf, but for any other jobs, let's say I
do a lot of non-broadcast, e-learning, corporate, you know,
explainer, that style where I work directly with the client, and
half the time, of course I have guidelines, right? There's always
the GVAA rate guide, there's my own guidelines that I've been
working with since I started. But if this is something new or it's
slightly different and there's nothing, there's no standard
written, I'm pretty much pulling that price out of the air, out of
the air.
Lau: Out of the hat.
Anne: Out of the hat. And I'm always kind of verging on more than I
think because I wanna start the negotiation high so that I can come
down to the price where I feel like would be fair. And so, just so
you know, we can be in this business for, I've been in the business
for like, gosh, oh my God, 16 years already. And sometimes I'll
have a price that I'll just have to pull out a thin air. And I'm
guessing at it. And so know that, guys. I don't want you to think
that all the pricing is all secure and within a chart. Sometimes I
am just winging it. And once you get the client that says, okay,
great, that sounds, when can you have it by then? That gives you
the confidence to just continue on the negotiation
So always, always know that you are worth money. Please do not
negotiate a low rate because you feel that you're new or that you
feel that you don't have the experience because you have invested
in your business and therefore you are worth the money. And so,
Lau: And you said the magic word, invest. I was thinking there's a
fear of investment.
Anne: Mm. Oh gosh, yes. Yes.
Lau: I'm terrified. Not me, really. I'm just saying I'm
terrified of spending money on coaching or scared of spending too
much money on my studio, or I'm afraid of how much a microphone
will cost. And there's a lot of fear around, how much do I need to
invest? And you have to think of it like, is it a cost or is it an
investment? Is there an ROI in this? Am I really expecting money to
come back? Or is this just a sinkhole of just like throwing money
in where I don't know what's gonna happen at the end of the day? So
having vision about my investment and my return, and really being
very mindful that that's what I want to have happen. Does it mean
it will happen? No. But what it means is you're focusing your brain
and you're focusing your intentional energy on that execution. So
it's more likely that you'll have a positive outcome than going,
but I'm afraid. I'm afraid I don't have the money, and I'm afraid,
I'm afraid. So that was one thing. You know, the other thing too
that came to my mind, Anne, was success.
Anne: Oh my gosh.
Lau: A lot of people are afraid of success.
Anne: Totally agree with you there. And I, and I wanna just say
like for myself personally, right? There comes a time
cannot grow
I can attest to this, you cannot grow without investment and you
cannot grow without a little bit of fear. And so the investment for
me has come to the point where I am one person. I can only
physically do so many things within the 24 hours of the day. Right?
And so when I want to grow beyond that, then I have to think about
outsourcing. I have to think about that as an investment in my
business so that somebody can help free up some time for me so that
I can do more voiceover jobs. I can coach, or I can do whatever it
is that I wanna do to grow my business.
And then I have to be at the point where I say, all right, I have
this level of success that I'm at now. I feel comfortable. I'm able
to support my household. I'm feeling good. And just when it hits
that point, I say, all right, what's next? Right? How am I going to
grow? How am I going to expand? And I'm always get to these levels,
right? And I always try to address it. I'm gonna say on an average
quarterly, right? Within the year, what's next for me? And I right
now am at this point right now where, what's next? And so I know
what has to come next for me in order to continue to grow. I think
about it, I'm like, okay, I have to go through a series of steps to
get there and it's gonna be a lot of work. And I just go, oh God, I
had so much work, but I have to get through it.
Once I get through it, I can then bump myself up another level.
Right? So I just consider myself going up that stairway to more
success. And so I know it's coming up the road for me ahead, and I
know that it's going to be a lot of work, and it makes me tired
right now. But I do know that if I don't do it, I will not grow,
and I will not succeed further. And to me, I always love a good
challenge, I think, I think the one thing for me, why I love
entrepreneurship and why I love this business so much is that it
allows us to just go as high as we absolutely can. There's no
limit, right?
Lau: Yeah.
Anne: There's no limit. I mean, and, and that's the thing. You have
to allow yourself to think big and to think, wow, there really
isn't a limit to how much I can grow. And to me's a game. It
becomes a game. You know, a challenge. And I love a good challenge.
For me, that's how I get through it, instead of the fear, right? I
consider it to be a challenge and a game. And it's a game that I
play with myself. So I'm not in any sort of danger of necessarily
hurting other people because it's me. It's a game I play against
myself. I mean, that's out of myself and working myself to
craziness. But that's my whole goal, is to not have to work so
much. And so that is going to help me to grow.
Lau: Right. And who's keeping score? I mean, at the end of the day,
it's really about, you. You're keeping score. You're the one who's
setting your goals, how you wanna achieve throughout the year and
throughout your quarters. You're really the one who's paying
attention to that because it's skin in the game. You have the most
vested interest in the success of your business. And I always say,
be careful what you wish for. You may get. Because if you get it,
meaning if you get that job that you're auditioning for, you get
that creative studio that you always wanted, well, now what's next?
It doesn't mean you can lay back and chill and bask. It means like
you have to push a little more. You have to move a little faster.
You have to intensify your goals. In a sense that ceiling is just
not even there. It doesn't even exist.
Anne: Exactly. Exactly. It just keeps moving up. <laugh>
Lau: Keeps moving up, right? Keeps moving up.
Anne: Yeah. Love it. Great conversation. So BOSSes out there, face
those fears. Fear is good. I believe fear, it leads to growth.
Education, knowledge is power. And know that you're not
Lau: I love that. You're never alone. Even when you're in your
booth, you're never alone. Like who are you connecting to? You're
always connected to someone who also has your vested interest in
mind because they wanna have a successful product, they wanna have
a successful process, and they want to have a relationship with
you. So always consider the positive versus the negative, and
that's gonna help you alleviate those fears along the
Anne: Yeah. Well, great discussion. BOSSes. Fear, you can conquer.
We have the faith in you. So I'd like to give a great big shout-out
to our sponsor, ipDTL. You too can network and connect like a BOSS
and conquer those fears. Find out more at ipDTL.com. And also from
our other sponsor, 100 Voices Who Care, here's a chance for you to
use your voice to make an immediate difference in our world and
give back to the communities that give to you. Visit
100voiceswhocare.org to find out more. All right, guys. BOSSes,
have an amazing week and we'll see you next week. Bye.
Lau: Bye.
>> Join us next week for another edition of VO BOSS with your
host Anne Ganguzza. And take your business to the next level. Sign
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content, industry revolutionizing tips and strategies, and new ways
to rock your business like a BOSS. Redistribution with permission.
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