Apr 4, 2023
There are very few things in life that are black and white. The
world is full of nuances, nuances that can be challenging when they
come up in business. Anne & Lau dive into the emotions & decision
making process that happens when you make a decision to protect the
ethics of your business. Most people don’t want to talk about
ethics in business. They are uncomfortable with the topic and don’t
know how to approach it, but discussion is one of the only ways to
bring awkward subjects into the light. No decision is without
trade-offs. It usually means losing something, whether that's time,
money or energy. When faced with a tough decision, ask yourself how
this feels in your gut? Is it the right thing for you? For the
future of your business? Remember, there are no right or wrong
answers. Only decisions that feel right or wrong for you at this
moment in time.
It’s time to take your business to the next level, the BOSS level!
These are the premiere Business Owner Strategies and Successes
being utilized by the industry’s top talent today. Rock your
business like a BOSS, a VO BOSS! Now let’s welcome your host, Anne
Anne: Hey, everyone. Welcome to the VO BOSS podcast. I'm your host
Anne Ganguzza, and I am excited today to bring back to the show Lau
Lau: Hey.
Anne: Yay. Hey Lau. Here we are. The BOSS Superpower series. I'm so
Lau: Me too. I feel like it's been a long time since I saw
Anne: I know, right?
Lau: I just came back from vacation.
Anne: Well, and I, of course I'm working over here like a
and I need a vacation now. But I have to say I encountered
something that was difficult for me and my business while you were
having fun in the sun there. And I thought we could talk about it
today. And it's all about ethics, and ethics in your business, and
what you can do to get through a situation that is not easy to deal
with, especially when it comes to your moral ethics in terms of
will you work with a client. So I had a client. And they asked me
for something that did not sit well with me, Lau. And it made me
feel icky.
Lau: Gotcha. Oh my gosh.
Anne: Yeah. And it was one of those things where the opportunity
was great. There was gonna be opportunities for more work, and this
was a very well-known brand. And I really struggled, and it was one
of those things, and I thought, well, is it worth it, right, to
align myself with this brand when I'm kind of feeling icky about
what they're asking me to do, because it could mean more work if I
maybe choose not to work with this client? Will I be seen as
somebody that's not easy to work with or difficult to work with and
will they tell other people? And so it just became, ugh, such a
difficult decision, Lau. And I know that in our businesses, I like
to think that everything's easy, and all the clients are easy and I
get to choose what clients I wanna work with.
But every once in a while, a client can also kind of flip on
So typically I think I'm a good judge of character, and I can say
this is gonna be a great work relationship, and I'm gonna be able
to work with this client. But sometimes those clients, maybe the
company changes hands or you're working with somebody else from the
company, or the rules change or the policy change or whatever it
is. Or the script changes. This actually didn't really have to do
with the script, Lau, but I also think this applies to any
potential job that talent have the opportunity to voice that maybe
they don't agree with the copy, with the script.
Lau: Right. I'm telling you, as long as I've been alive on this
earth, I can tell you that the longer you're in business, the more
often you're going to experience this kind of thing. And, and it is
to be expected. And as uncomfortable as it is, and it is really
uncomfortable, and I, you know, I'm trying to put on my empathy
face right now, I also have that feeling that yeah, it's to be
anticipated, it's to be expected. And I always like to think of it
as like a magic carpet ride. You've got this beautiful carpet, you
created it, you're floating, you're flying, you're moving in the
direction you wanna be moving in. You're going fast, you're
Anne: I was flying high, Lau.
Lau: Flying high. You feel really secure. You got your seatbelt on.
Then all of a sudden the carpet gets pulled out from under you and
then you fall. And you feel like you're falling, you feel like your
credibility's falling, your hopes are falling. The perception of
your audience is falling. You feel like you're losing something.
And it's scary
you don't know how it's gonna land. You don't know, am I gonna
survive this? Am I gonna get out the other way and get up and run?
And you always do. You always do. You're most resilient person I
know. Like you're gonna get up and run after it. But to go through
it is really like, what would you call it? Like the milestone of
moving through life and moving through your business and saying
when difficult things happen, that's when I build my character.
That's really how I react to that and how I stand my ground, and
how I build my character is really, I'd like to say what it's all
about at the end of the day. And I think you're amazing in the
choices that you're making. And so you're making choices about
this, right?
Anne: Yeah. Oh yeah.
Lau: The path, which way you went.
Anne: I have to say I made the tough choice, and I chose not to
work with the client. And after that, Lau, I had days, I had days
where I was second guessing that decision, thinking what would be
the ramifications and how would it affect my business, in all
aspects. Because I thought, well, this might become something that
other clients will know
client knew a lot of other potential clients that I've worked with.
And so it became a thing where I had to sit back in a quiet space
and just ask myself how does my gut feel? And I, I know we've
talked about this is I, I like to run my business by my gut, and I
usually listen to my gut,
for me it's usually the right thing. But I'll tell you, I was back
and forth with this and once I made my decision, then I second
guessed myself again for days.
I mean there was no way, once I had made the decision to cut the
relationship; I mean, I couldn't really go back. And so then I just
sat there and worried and I thought, oh no. And again, you think
that being in business all these years, maybe it would be easier.
Or I would be able to get through it quicker. But I think maybe
sharing my experience with the BOSSes out there, I can at least
share my experience and, and talk to people about here, it happened
to me. This is how I felt. Like how did I feel? I felt like once I
was given the opportunity, and it was presented with a job, I was
initially like taken aback and was so surprised. And then I
thought, oh, that doesn't seem right.
That just doesn't seem right. And so I asked a couple of close
friends and colleagues of mine what they thought if maybe I was
misreading something.
I wanted to kind of have another set of eyes on
And of course this was with people that I trusted and of course I
wouldn't wanna shout this on social media or on the rooftops
because again, it was a private connection between me and my
client. And so I kind of got other people's first initial
reactions, which were similar to mine from a lot of people that I
spoke to. I then sat with it for a while, and I couldn't get it
outta my brain. It was one of those things that, until I said
something, we were gonna be working together. It was just gonna be
a wonderful thing and a great relationship that was gonna continue
on, and I was just gonna continue to work with this client, and
things were gonna be lovely, and my business was gonna be
accelerated by this. But I kept thinking and feeling in the back of
my brain and in my heart that something just didn't sit
And so then I made that tough decision to cut ties with the client,
and then there's the ramifications of the back and forth because I
cut the ties with the client through an official email. Right? I
had to do that. I would've liked to have actually maybe had some, I
don't know, some Zoom time or maybe a phone call. But I had to cut
the ties via email. And that was tough. I mean, because trying to
go back and forth on something that it's a little more than a, than
a negotiation on a job, it's tough to do through email, through
text or email. And I was hoping that I would have an opportunity to
further, I don't know, either talk to the client and maybe
I didn't burn any bridges. I didn't wanna burn any bridges. And
that was important. So I think that when that happens, BOSSes, you
have to really consider, I don't wanna burn bridges. That's just
kind of who I am. Although you may not be able to do it without
burning a bridge. What are your thoughts, Lau, with all of your
years and and experience in the businesses that you've built? It's
happened to you.
Lau: Oh my goodness. Yes. That's the thing. And you and I talk
about this all the time, Anne, you can't get through life
completely unscathed, as much as we would like to because we're
positive minded people. We wanna think the best of our connections.
We wanna give the best, we have the best intentions. You're dealing
with human communication. You're dealing with behaviors of human
beings that have this whole frame of reference that has nothing to
do with you. They're coming to the table with a whole life, a whole
mindset, a whole viewpoint that has nothing to do with
So in my mind that slides into every single exchange that happens,
their ethics, their behavior, their morality, their persona. That
kind of goes into the mix. And we have to understand that, that
when we're doing the recipe, it's not always gonna taste good. The
cake's not always gonna come out the way we think it's gonna come
out. And that's okay. So I think as women, we make a couple
mistakes. One is we do take the brunt, we take the emotional brunt
of having to make important decisions or what we perceive to be
important decisions and stand that ground and feel uncomfortable
with that, and take on the other's trauma, the other's mistakes,
the other’s whatever. We take that on and we emotionalize that. And
I think that's a big issue for us as women because we're high
pathos. We're very visceral beings. That's what makes us good at
our jobs. But it also is a double-edged sword because that's what
makes us take on a lot of things that are not our problem. They're
just not our problem.
So being able to objectify it just enough, sort of like an
audition. So for those of you who are listening in who audition for
a living, right, you have to care about it. You have to
emotionalize it enough. You have to connect to it so it's
authentic. But then when it's done, you have to walk away from it,
and you have to disconnect, and you have to not make it the most
important thing in your world. And that's the skill that you have,
that all successful people have to cultivate is not saying, oh, I
don't want things to go wrong. I don't want things to happen where
the rug is pulled out from under me. No. But saying
Anne: I don't wanna disrupt things. I don't wanna disrupt
Lau: Yes. It's like, are you a gentle disruptor? Are you an
eloquent disruptor? Are you an intelligent disruptor? But the
disruption will happen. It's just the nature of dealing with human
beings, and it's the nature of business. Business is just
on so many levels. It's tough. It's not easy. And I think if we
could learn to objectify enough and walk away, that would be really
important to do. Another thing we do too is we exaggerate
situations. I noticed this in myself for many years,
I was an actor. I was a professional actor for many years. And I
would say, am I a drama queen? I mean, am I, what is wrong with me?
Oh ah, I'm an artist. I see things in a certain way, typically
emotionally first. And then it becomes larger and larger and larger
and larger until it's like massive.
But to the outside world, they don't see it that way. To them, it's
small, it's simple, it's almost non-existent at times. So I found
that for me as a technique to save myself and sort of objectify and
say, I think I'm blowing this out of proportion. I think I'm
exaggerating this into something really huge when I don't think
it's viable as a huge thing. I think it's just my perception in the
moment of the massiveness of it. The truth is we're not a golden
calf. We can be replaced; they can move on. And then sometimes it's
almost as if it never happened.
Anne: Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. And I like that you mentioned the
over dramatization and, and that I think in terms of feeling the
way that I was feeling, right? Oh my gosh, is this going to bring
down my business? What are people going to think of me? What if
other people find out what happened, and that kind of thing. And I,
and you're right, I think it became like for me, emotionally bigger
than it should have because I beat myself up over it for a good few
days and spent a lot of energy thinking about what if, what if,
what if, or oh my gosh, and being stressed out about it that I feel
that I probably wasted a lot of energy on that. And I think at that
point, when you're going through something like that, having the
support of colleagues and friends that can remind you of things
like, hey look, this is okay. Do what you feel is right. We'll
support you no matter what
I think that's so important to help you through the tough times for
And also I think being able to talk about it with a trusted
colleague is going to be very, very helpful. And just to remember
those things. I mean that's something you said to me, look, why is
it that you feel bad for something that has nothing to do with you?
And you're right, to the outside world, like it's insignificant,
right? And a lot of times we build those issues up in our brain to
be larger than life, when in fact nobody's really necessarily even
thinking about them or concerned about them. But for me, in my
business, I was in such a dilemma. And so I think that for me,
after I went through the days of second guessing myself, stress,
thinking about what if, what if, what if, I now have come out the
other side, and I am proud that I stood my ground and did what I
believed in, and I feel stronger for the experience. And again,
this is not the first time it's happened to me. And I'm sure it's
happened to you as well multiple times in your business. It's
happened to me before and I've come out the other side fine. And I
should remind myself of those things. But I think every situation
is different. And in the moment, it may seem like it's, oh my gosh,
it's the worst thing in the world that could
Lau: It's the worst thing in the world.
Anne: Yeah.
Lau: And also just for you to note, and I love doing this as a
coach but also as a person in the world
I love passing on what someone says about someone else that they
would never know that could be like super amazing and life
changing. So I passed on the generality of the situation to a dear
female coach and family member of mine of many, many years, just
generally speaking. And you know what she said about you, Anne, and
you, you don't know her at all. She's not in the industry. She's
actually a therapist. Not my therapist. But she's a therapist in
the world and we have a lot of crossovers
we're both coaches; she's a life coach. And she said, isn't it nice
to know, Lau, that you're not only working with someone of that
caliber, but there are people still left in the world that
character and morality really means something to them?
Anne: Wow.
Lau: And are willing to stand their ground for it? And I thought,
oh, it's so uncomfortable and upsetting to Anne, but it's so
amazing. And like, I don't know what the word is, but it's so like
revolutionary to the people who witness it around you, who say —
it's almost like you can take a breath and say, wow, there are
people in our industry that feel something real about injustice
when it happens and actually do something about it, but do
something in a very professional, kind, diplomatic, and thoughtful
way, not a hostile, angry, violent way. Oh, I love that civility.
That level of civility and diplomacy I think is to really be
rewarded. And again, you don't know it, and you don't feel it in
the situation, and you feel quite oppositional to that. But those
around you, your circle that circles you, that witnesses that is
really inspired and in awe of that. It sort of gives other people
courage. It gives other people strength to say, yeah, if something
comes at me, and my rug gets pulled out from under me, people like
Anne, people like — are doing things to help build themselves up
without getting destroyed by it. I can do that
Anne: Well, I appreciate you telling me that. Thank you so much.
And now I feel even better about my decision and I appreciate you
saying that to me. And I think it was very important and worth
mentioning again, when you are handling something like this and
taking a stand, especially when it's in regards to your
and this could just be me. I'm always like trying to be the
professional, always trying to not burn my bridges. Because again,
you never know where your relationship will go, how the client will
react, maybe something wonderful can happen out of it. So I never
choose to burn my bridges. And so I did break ties with the client
as professionally and as diplomatically as I could and thank them
for the opportunity to work with them and appreciated everything
that we had worked on together. And yeah, I think that's an
important thing to consider when you are faced with ethical
And again, this doesn't just have to be about scripts, because I
know we've spoken about that before. I mean it could be like, well,
what if you get a script and you have to voice something that you
don't believe in? I'm strong on that one. I'm like, I don't have to
voice that. Like to me, that's a no-brainer. But when it came to my
business and working with a client that I thought maybe didn't
align to the same goals as I did and making that tough decision, I
think that the ethics, it's all around. We have to address ethics
all around in our business. Not just on what script we voice. And
again, BOSSes out there, I entirely encourage people that if you
don't feel comfortable voicing a script, you can take that stand
and turn that down.
Lau: Or even you are not comfortable working with someone. Like you
don't have to justify it. It's okay. You don't have to tell
everyone. But you can certainly internalize and say, why am I
feeling uncomfortable? I just had this recently with a new
partnership with an agent out in LA who was interviewing one of our
people and said, you know, I have to be honest with you, I wasn't
comfortable with him. This was on Zoom; this wasn't — I wasn't
comfortable. I just didn't, I didn't like his personality. He made
me feel uncomfortable. I didn't feel like I would be able to do
dealings with him, and I didn't offer him a contract. And I said,
well good for you. I didn't take any offense to that at all. I said
if I were in your position, I probably would do the same. Because
you wanna be able to have that free flow of ideas and conversation
in that somewhat level of trust that you're on the same page,
you're tracking kind of thing.
Anne: Yeah. Yeah. That you align.
Lau: You're tracking. I'm gonna make a prediction for everyone in
the audience. Here's my prediction. My prediction is this client,
Anne, is gonna come back to you for future things, whatever that
is. Whether it's a recording job or whether it's uh, something
else. And you're gonna have another decision to make. And that is,
do I want to work with them? Because somehow how we feel like, oh,
the coffin shut, the nails are in. And that's often not the case
because guess what? The time goes by. They realize who their
friends are, they realize who they can trust. They realize and they
say, you know, that wasn't a comfortable thing that happened, but a
year has gone by. Two years have gone by. I miss her. Where is she?
Let me got in contact with her again. Don't be surprised if it's
not the end of the relationship.
Anne: Yeah. Very interesting. Hmm. Wow. Well, it certainly was
something that threw me for a loop this past week, and I'm glad I'm
out the other side. But I did wanna share my experiences
I thought maybe if I can help anybody — and it's funny because I'm,
I'm very much a person who likes to showcase my business as being
together. And every time, Lau, you and I get together on this show,
I'm always going, oh my God, Lau. I've sabotaged myself. I'm
feeling insecure, but I'm sharing because I'm hoping it will help
people that they're not alone. This happens even if you've been in
the industry for a long time, and it looks to everybody like
I mean I like to think that I have it together, but ultimately the
experiences that I go through have helped me to build my character,
build my business stronger and hopefully continue to do that. I
think the last thing I want, because I put so much of myself into
it, is for my business to not survive something like a client
relationship that I have decided not to pursue any
Lau: I also think too, unless you run the kind of business where
you're really relying on one or two or three clients to keep you
I think you're so diversified and you working with so many people,
I don't think that's actually possible when you have so many irons
in the fire. But I think it's that, again, it's that sort of blown
out of proportion perception, that six months down the line or a
year when we are talking, you'll be like, how did I take that so
hard? Or why was that so important to me?
Anne: Why was that so hard for me? Yeah.
Lau: Why did I go through that? I did the right thing. But why did
I, like we, we have a Yiddish word called grizsha. Grizsha. It
means to sit for a week and just worry and up, grizsha and upset.
Make friction for yourself because you're going through the process
of it. It's like grief. It's a loss. You're going through a
Anne: Yeah, that's exactly right. That it was a loss. And I always
think, well, the reason why I went into business for myself is so
that I didn't have to go through the stresses that I went through
when I was working for people. Right? When I was working in the
corporate world. And I was like, I'm not gonna be beaten by the
man. And literally I'm like, this is what I love about working for
myself is that I get to choose. Right? I get to choose who I work
with. I get to choose the projects. And again, I think that is such
a wonderful blessing, and it's such a wonderful thing to be able to
build a business for yourself.
you do have the options to make all these
And I think that if you do end up going through an ethical dilemma,
I think it's good for the soul, even though it wasn't pleasant
going through it. And I second guessed myself and stressed out,
but I do think that it is one of the reasons that I think being
employed or self-employed and having your own business is such an
advantage. I mean, we have those choices in front of us to decide
upon who we work with. And again, I don't think you get to that
point in your business until you're confident and you have
for me, it always comes back to, and this is a sad thing to say,
but it's a reality is, if you have the financial stability in your
business to be able to really make those decisions. And I am
grateful, and I'm also proud of the fact that I've built my
business to the point where I'm okay, I can say no to a client. And
I think any BOSS out there that has been able to do that, wow. I
mean how wonderful is that? It's just an amazing thing and you
should all be so proud that you are able to make those decisions
and able to decide whether or not you want to work with a client or
not. That's a luxury.
Lau: It's a huge luxury. And you have to have that awareness of not
being such a people pleaser, such a yes person that you're doing
that at the demise of you, your business, your model, your time,
whatever. Like that's an ethical dilemma for a lot of people. I
went through it for many years
I'm a natural-born people pleaser.
Anne: Yeah, me too.
Lau: I was brought up that way actually. And I love having that
quality still. A lot of people call me Mama Lau,
has like sort of caring
Anne: Oh yeah. That's great.
Lau: — essence to it. But at the same token, you have to be very
careful because there are things you must say no to. There are
things you must decline, you must whatever. And those are the hard
moments, whether they're ethically driven or financially driven or
whatever, that you just know in your heart, I really shouldn't be
doing this. Or I really don't wanna do this or what — and you're
still saying yes, that's your own ethical dilemma. That's your own
saying, what is my value system? What are my principles? What do I
stand for? And sometimes there's nothing wrong on the other side.
It's just you shouldn't be doing it for whatever reason. You know
what I mean? So I think you're awakening us all to really having a
good hard heart to heart talk with ourselves and saying, yeah, what
do we believe in? What do we wanna be doing? What do we wanna spend
our time with? When is it okay to say no? And just set that up.
Just be okay with that. Don't kill yourself because you're saying
no for whatever reason.
Anne: Yeah. Good talk. Thank you, Lau.
Lau: Amazing.
Anne: Mama Lau.
Lau: Amazing.
Anne: I love Mama Lau.
laugh) That's pretty awesome. Oh man, great discussion. Thank you
so much as always. Words of wisdom, golden nuggets from Mama
BOSSes out there, as individuals, it may seem difficult to make a
huge impact, but as a group we can contribute to the growth of our
communities in ways that we never before thought possible. Visit
100voiceswhocare.org to learn how. And a big shout-out to our
sponsor, ipDTL. You too can connect and network like BOSSes. Find
out more at ipdtl.com. Guys, have an amazing week, and we'll see
you next week. Bye.
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