Jun 20, 2023
Anne & Gillian continue their discussion on Boss Equipment
Necessities, providing even more valuable insights on what
essential audio equipment you need in your booth. They discuss the
importance of selecting studio headphones that offer both comfort
and accuracy. They also delve into the convenience and limitations
of USB microphones, as well as providing a comparison of costs and
quality of audio interfaces. Additionally, they share tips on where
to get tech support and test gear in person. You definitely don't
want to miss this conversation...
It’s time to take your business to the next level, the BOSS level!
These are the premiere Business Owner Strategies and Successes
being utilized by the industry’s top talent today. Rock your
business like a BOSS, a VO BOSS! Now let’s welcome your host, Anne
Anne: Hey everyone, welcome to the VO BOSS podcast. I'm your host
Anne Ganguzza, and I'm excited to bring back to the show today
creative freelancer, audio engineer, musician Gillian Pelkonen for
another episode in our BOSS audio series.
Gillian: Hello
Anne: Hey, Gillian.
Gillian: How's it going?
Anne: It's going great. So we've had some really intense
conversations about our home studios. First of all, talking about
where to locate your home studio in your home, where good place is,
a little bit about sound absorption. Then we had a really cool,
interesting episode, I think, on all the equipment that people
don't think about that's required to run our voiceover business.
Now we're gonna talk about all the obvious ones that I think people
always, they love to talk about these, and
Gillian: This is the exciting stuff.
Anne: I think the other stuff is exciting. I think actually people
don't get excited enough about the other kind of technologies.
Gillian: I mean,
we know you're gonna marry the internet.
Anne: Yes.
Gillian: I have a spiritual connection to unboxing Apple
Anne: Yes, there you go.
Gillian: But the air quotes exciting stuff that everyone loves to
harp on. Yes.
Anne: I dare say that I have a spiritual connection to my
to my headphones, and, and I know that people are always asking me,
what are your headphones that you wear? Because I love wearing
colorful headphones because it's part of my brand. And I actually
have like all different colors of headphones right here with
Gillian: Wow.
Anne: I've got a lovely deeper blue here.
Gillian: You guys, if you're not watching, go to YouTube right now
and you gotta see this.
Anne: Then we've got the royal blue here, which I love, and then of
course I've got black. I actually have an alternate pair of the red
ones and okay. So I think, can we talk about headphones
Gilliann: Yeah. I mean, let's start.
Anne: I've already started.
Gillian: So we talked computer, you have your computer, you have
your internet connection, you have your isolated space, and it's
soundproofed to whatever fits your budget and what you need right
now to be isolated.
Anne: And your internet connection and website.
Gillian: Oh yes.
Anne: Right?
Gillian: Yes. Oh, and website. Yes.
Anne: And website.
Gillian: That is definitely important. Headphones. So important
because you can't, you can't be playing out loud while you're
Anne: Now here's the thing, there's reasons why we wear headphones.
Okay? So what are the primary reasons you wear headphones,
Gillian: Well, just in my everyday life, there's the convenience of
being able to listen to whatever I want and to be able to hear
that. But for recording, when you're recording voice, if you are
playing out loud what you are recording, you will get feedback. And
I don't think you will on the scale of a small computer, but there
are a few studios that I've worked in, and when I was very new and
prone to making mistakes
obviously continue to make mistakes and learn from them — but when
we had big speakers and we were recording in the same room, you
definitely get a nice ear cleaning with that high pitch feedback.
Because having an open source, you're DAW, armed and ready to
record, and that
it just creates a loop of sound, if you think about it, what's
going into the mic, coming outta the speaker, into the mic, outta
the speaker, and that just ruins it.
Anne: So well, okay. So there's a big debate in the voiceover world
about, do you need headphones while recording? Because there's a
lot of people that say you do not. It helps you to sound more
natural. Okay? And of course you don't wanna have your speakers on
either or your monitors.
Gillian: Oh yeah. That's what I'm thinking of. But this is
Anne: Yeah. So do you have your headphones on while you're
recording? Because a lot of times, it's distracting listening to
yourself, what you sound like in your headphones. So for me, okay —
some people adopt the whole, I'm not gonna wear my headphones at
all because it makes me sound more natural. I'm not listening to
what I sound like in my ears. Some people do one ear on, one ear
off to help that as well while they're recording. And some people
wear them. Now I, years ago, started wearing them because I had a
lot of sound outside of my studio. And I needed to be able to put
my headphones on to hear if it was going to come through in the
recording. And some things like my naked ears couldn't hear like
the vibration of the truck that was a mile away coming down the
road, and somehow vibrationally it came up through my studio. And
the jackhammer that was maybe not right outside my door, but down
the road because they were constructing new
So for a long time I got used to wearing my headphones just to make
sure I could step in the studio to make sure that I couldn't hear
those sounds coming through my microphone. And then I just
continued to wear them. Now I've done both, take them off when I'm
recording or keep them on. A lot of times, if you think of it this
and this is not a popular opinion, I will have my headphones on
while I'm recording because I feel that whatever you hear in your
headphones is just you amplified. And if you are an accomplished
actor that can act like you, without paying attention to what you
sound like in your headphones, you can wear
And for me it's something that, it's kind of on a day-to-day basis.
I'll probably wear my headphones more often than not, just because
I've been doing this for a very long time, and all I do every day
when I coach is tell people not to listen to what they sound like
and to just be themselves. And so I wear my headphones. Plus I do a
ton of editing, I do a ton of coaching, and so I need to, and I
don't have monitors, number one for the very technical reason is
honestly I just don't have space. I don't have space to put a nice
pair of monitors on my desk. So I wear my headphones when I
And so headphones to me have to be comfortable. And they have to be
studio headphones of course. And that should be a given. Anybody,
any BOSSes out there that are just starting in the industry, make
sure they're studio headphones, and they're not any other type of
headphones that's gonna add more base or more treble or that adds
prettiness to it. You just need studio headphones so you can hear
the raw output.
Gillian: Yeah, it's definitely an interesting conversation. I think
my advice is gonna be the same as always. My advice is just
all and see what works. I personally, when I am singing, I do one
ear on, one ear off, mostly for pitch, because how you sound in
your head, it's all relative and different. I think that there are
some things to be concerned about. Obviously if there is extraneous
noise coming on your recording, you wanna be aware of that. But if
you're connecting to a client, really if there's an engineer on the
session, they should catch that. Like, that's my job when I'm
working with talent. Another issue, sometimes I hear the movement
of headphones, but I've never really asked talents what they're
doing. And maybe it's putting them on and off, but there are a lot
of moments functionally during a session when a director is gonna
wanna get your attention. And so if you're just rocking without
headphones, that's something to just consider.
Anne: Yeah. You'll have to hear them. And you just said something,
I don't mean to interrupt, but you just said something that made me
think the physical sound of your headphones. Believe it or not, if
these headphones, the exterior is, there's some plastic components
here. As they get older, believe it or not, if I move my head,
because we're very physical as voice actors behind on the mic, as I
move my head, they make noise. And that noise comes in through my
recording. And I, I remember for the longest time there was this
tiny little click, and I was like, I don't have a mouth click.
Where's that coming from? It was coming from my headphones. And so
for me, I found a way to, I actually had bought a new pair of
headphones so that they didn't
they weren't really squeaking, but they were making plasticy
noises. And I know that's not a technical term, but it's a noise
where like if I do this
nails on headphones)
Gillian: Yeah.
Anne: — you can hear that. It wouldn't be that loud, but it would
be something similar to that. And so
Gillian: Interesting.
Anne: Yeah. For those of you guys listening to that, I was simply
just squeezing the headphone earpiece with the headpiece
Gillian: To get that plasticy
Anne: To get that plasticy sound.
Gillian: — noise sound. Well, there's another thing that I've
noticed with headphones that's important to note
just this is more function than which headphones to get. But, and
it could be
people are taking them off. But a lot of times I'll be working with
the talent’s audio from a session we just did, and through their
recording I can hear everyone else talking. And this doesn't really
happen during the recording, but I can hear myself slating things
not recorded. So I don't know, if you're taking your headphones off
and you're putting them down, you gotta think about, okay, if
someone starts talking or if there's other noises, those are gonna
get directly into the mic. Or if your headphones are too loud,
there's gonna be too much bleed. So just things to think about when
we're talking about headphones.
Anne: Two good points. I wanna actually go back on that, right? If
you put your headphones down and obviously you're not
other things, right, other noises can come through them. And also
you mentioned bleed. Bleed is important because right now I'm
really, really close to my microphone. And depending on the volume
that you have your headphones turned up to, and I'm a little older
so I might need a little higher volume. And so sometimes you have
to be careful that the sound coming through your headphones doesn't
bleed back through your mic. And for that reason I have closed
headphones. And that's why I recommend closed headphones for most
voice actors, if that's the case. If you're gonna be sitting out
just doing editing all the time, I don't think they need to be
closed backed. If you're just gonna use
Gillian: If you're watching us, I have open back headphones. But I
just got these recently, these are like the Sennheisers, I think
the HD 600s. That's what I thought. And I have these mostly for
mixing and I I listen through them
they're really comfortable. But my closed headphones, I also have
AudioTechnicas. They were my first headphones, like pro headphones;
they're amazing. The pair that I had was under a $100. I've
for years. They're amazing. So whoever is saying that you need
really expensive headphones for amazing sound, you don't. There's
lower models that are great and then you can upgrade. There's a
whole range of AudioTechnicas that get more precise or, or just
have different features that you can invest in if you wanna spend
more. But there should be no barrier to getting, I think they’re
$70 or something like that, which
Anne: Well, I'll have to tell you about mine that have the color.
because people are always asking me. And I do have, I do have a
studio gear page off of AnneGanguzza.com and as well as the VO BOSS
page studio gear that I recommend. And by the way, I don't put
anything on this page that I don't use or have not owned. And I
will say that I love AudioTechnica headphones as well. And of
course before this turns into an AudioTechnica podcast
which it's amazing, there's lots of great headphones out there. The
one thing that I love about AudioTechnicas is for me they're super
comfortable. I literally wear my headphones when I'm on coaching
days and I'm coaching eight hours at a shot. I have them on my head
eight hours. Because again, like I said, I don't have monitors in
my room and plus my husband works upstairs, and so I wanna be able
to keep things at a minimum. And so they have to be super
comfortable. I have to be able to hear the talent, right, to be
able to direct them.
So for me, they are amazing. They're a little more than $100
because of the color, the special additions they are the MX 50s and
in whatever color
I don't believe they make the red anymore, but if you're lucky you
can find them somewhere, somewhere out there. There'll be an extra
pair that somebody has that's still new in the package. I've bought
three pairs of red
red is discontinued. My royal blue has been discontinued. Every
year they come out with a new color. And so every year I find it
necessary to buy another color just because I'm on the camera a lot
and I love
and they make me happy. Right? If you're gonna have on your head
for a long time, they should make you happy.
Gillian: And comfortable, most important.
Anne: Yeah, and they should be comfortable.
don't need a headache.
Anne: — be accurate as well. Right? So for that reason, the
AudioTechnics are my faves, and I do own a pair of Paradynamics.
I've owned the Sony, oh gosh, I think it was the 7507s, I believe.
And the one thing that I didn't love about the Sonys, although I
love the sound, was the actual cable that connects was a twisted
cable. And what happened is they never traveled well. They became
entangled within themselves. And if you've ever had a coiled wire
get tangled in itself, and you try to pull it apart, it's horrible.
It just gets twisted onto itself. And so I love the
they always have the straight cable that you can use and it doesn't
get twisty. And that may seem like a very silly reason to love the
AudioTechnicas, but that's one of many reasons why I love that. But
it's a viable reason because the twisty turn coiled cables, they're
not fun to get them untangled when they get tangled, especially
when you travel with them and you're trying to wrap them
Gillian: No.
Anne: — the headphones.
Gillian: Definitely not. And something to think about when we're
talking, all of these things are essentials. And I'll just tell a
brief, brief story, but the other day I was doing a session with a
voice talent, and we were having all of these issues. I still don't
I was on the session, but I wasn't the head engineer of it. So I
don't know exactly what happened. But we think that between when we
were testing with the talent to when we pulled the client in, their
headphones broke because they magically could not hear
Anne: Oh wow.
Gillian: And you need to have an extra pair because you can't be on
a session without having an extra pair of headphones. It's super —
and I'm sure we'll say, and I know, Anne, you've said before in the
past, you need backups of your backups. But definitely even if you
have your splurge pair and you have a less expensive pair just to
use in case of an emergency, there could be a chance that you're on
a session, and in the middle it breaks, and you can't continue the
session without the pair of headphones. So just don't forget about
having some, a little insurance on your sound.
Anne: Yeah. And you know that, it's interesting that you mentioned
that, and I talk about headphones so much because when I'm
connecting with students through ipDTL
and this would be just like me, I would be the studio and they
would be connecting through Source Connect or ipDTL — you have to
have headphones to avoid that feedback. when you're connecting via
those methods. And simply earbuds are not the best because
sometimes they don't fit your ear properly. There's bleedthrough
and honestly closed back headphones are probably the best for any
kind of studio session you're going to have.
And I just say yes, I totally agree with you, Gillian, about the
backup. Because I have had people who like all of a sudden they're
like, oh, I can't hear you. And I'll be like, do you have another
pair of headphones? And at that point if you even have a backup
like set of EarPods works but in a pinch. But really have an extra
set of headphones in case that happens. Because the last thing you
want is for you to lose connectivity with your client to be able to
hear what they're saying and to do your job. I mean it is part of
your job. So have a backup, and honestly most headphones are not
expensive. I, I'm going to tell you the AudioTechnicnas, even
these, the new versions that they come out with are about 160
some-odd-dollars. The navy blue ones I just bought were like $169.
So they're not tremendously expensive at all. And I know you can
get some fabulous head phones for less than $100 for $99. I think
that's what my Sonys were that I bought. So well worth the
So in terms of headphones, make sure that they're studio
headphones. Make sure
I like to say close back if you're gonna be using them for any kind
of recording at all
you don't want the bleedthrough. If you're gonna sit there and edit
all day, yeah, maybe open back or others will work fine for you.
Make sure they're comfortable for your head. And especially if you
wear glasses
you don't want them to push in on the glasses and then have the
glasses give you a headache. That's the last
Gillian: Yeah.
Anne: All right.
Gillian: Okay. Should we lightning round a little bit the rest of
some of the other things that we might need?
Anne: Yes.
Gillian: Because I know, I know what I'm
Anne: Microphone.
Gillian: Microphone. Yes. And we'll do a whole episode on
microphones about the different types and and what kind you might
need. I personally always say large diaphragm condensers for voice
actors. There are amazing
you know, everyone knows the TLM 103 that's upwards of $1000.
There's also amazing mics that if you're a beginner, and you're not
ready to invest that much money, that will not sound exactly the
same but will be a large diaphragm condenser mic and will do the
job, will make you sound great.
Anne: Absolutely. I used an NT1, a Rode NT1 for at least six years
of my career full-time before I bought a 416. Actually I bought the
TLM 103 and then I bought a 416 as well. So now I have both of
those in my studio. But guess what? Also sitting on my desk here, I
have a USB AudioTechnica AT 2020, and that works for some of my
other connections. Believe it or not, that works for my Clubhouse
connections because my Club Deck software doesn't like my audio
interface so I have to use a USB mic and it makes me sound a whole
lot better. And so those USB mics, they come in handy for lots of
applications. Maybe not for your professional recording but for
other applications that help enhance the sound of your
Gillian: Yeah. And here's the
I'm not going to say that people shouldn't use USB mics. I mean the
audio engineer and me, always, I love an interface and a mic just
because. It's so funny, I wrote a whole blog post on this so if
you're interested you can go read my blog about the core
differences between like the functionality of what a USB mic or
like a USB and interface does, and the pros and cons of
there's pros and cons of both. When you have the interface, there's
more things to know, there's more things that can go wrong. There's
just —
Anne: One more thing in the chain
Gillian: — sensitivity. Yeah, exactly. But if you are interested
and you want a USB mic, there's definitely options that will make
you sound as good as you need to sound to start out. And I don't
wanna get on here and say that you can't book a job or get started
in voiceover using a USB mic, because there's so many uses for it.
And once you upgrade, if you choose to upgrade to an interfacing
mic, then you have that other option to use for things like,
Anne: Any mic.
Gillian: Yeah.
Anne: That's what I love about. I think really if you've got, I say
for any voice talent in a pinch if you have to, you can use a USB,
if you've got a good recording environment, in a pinch, but it's
not recommended. I would say even if you're traveling, I've tried
it all. I do have, I've got a great Tula mic, which is a USB mic
and it's amazing. So if I have a good space, you know, my little
Tula can hook up USB, and I can get a decent audition. I wouldn't
necessarily use it for any type of work that you wanna send to your
client, broadcast type work, but in a pinch, like
But for every day kind of voiceover I recommend condenser with an
audio interface. And again, you don't have to have the $1000 mic.
There's lots of great mics and there's so many discussion rooms and
forums on what mic should I get? But I also have recommendations
that I think work. It really depends on your voice and your comfort
level, and work with a vendor that you can send it back if you
don't love it.
Gillian: So important that you can either
I mean I know in big cities
I'm not entirely sure
I haven't done this in a while, but I know I'm in Guitar Center, I
went there all the time growing up to play the instruments, and I
know that they have a mic room where you can try stuff. I know
I'm pretty sure it'd B and H in New York City, you can try mics
there, but I love Sweetwater. You can chat with agents there, you
can talk to them. I'm pretty sure they have a great return policy
because if you get the mic and you're investing all this money and
you don't love it for your voice, even though everyone on the
forums is saying it's top VO mic, don't keep it. Find something
that makes you sound great because no one in the end is gonna know
what mic you're using. They're just gonna know how you
Anne: Well, exactly. And I also think though it's worth mentioning
that if you get a mic and you want an assessment of what you sound
like, Gillian, my goodness, like what you do all the time, the
sound assessments, right?
Gillian: Yes.
Anne: Gillian can absolutely give you an assessment of how your
voice sounds with that particular mic in your environment. I think
there's a lot of things at play here. It's your environment and
also the mic, and there will be a difference. So for me, I can say,
you know what, I like the way this mic makes me sound, but I
haven't recorded a file with it and sent it to somebody. Because
again, sometimes if you're just starting, it's very difficult. You
don't necessarily have an ear yet. Sending it to someone like
Gillian is very important, who is, you know, this is what Gillian
does; she's an audio engineer. She listens to sounds all the time
and every day so she can make an accurate assessment and also tell
you if this suits your voice or this doesn't suit your
And I really believe that you also have to be happy with it. And
don't forget, there's some people who mistakenly think that, well,
I can use this mic and then I can process my voice to make it sound
even better. And in reality as a voice actor, that's not what we
wanna do. I mean, we simply wanna be able to give the cleanest
recording that we can, and maybe our mic should, like what sorts of
things should mics do for our voice? You know what I mean? They
shouldn't change our voice, but they should enhance our
Gillian: Yeah, they should
I think I said this in the first episode we did together, but
microphones are microscopes picking up your voice. And so every mic
has a different capsule in it. It has a different way of
processing, whether you're using dynamic mic or ribbon mic, all the
different types of mics, they all react differently to sound. And
so some people love singing on ribbon mics because it's quieter,
it's more sensitive. I have a super cardioid condenser microphone
that I, I love using on my voice and I tried the U87, all these
other things. So it's really about, and this is a difficult answer
because it's like you need to find what works for you because the
mic that makes Anne sound great might not make me sound great. And
all the processing in the world — obviously you can EQ it and
change it a little bit, but really it's like finding a pair of
jeans. Like you gotta find one that fits you and makes you look and
feel your best. Maybe not look but jean analogy sound like
Anne: Yeah.
Gillian: You know?
Anne: Yeah, exactly. Exactly. I don't think that there's any mic
that will make you sound better than you. I mean your whole goal is
really to make you sound the best that you can sound. And there's
lots of mics
and again, you could have a really like inexpensive mic in a great
environment and sound amazing. You can also have a very expensive
mic in a poor environment and sound horrible. I remember back in
the day before I really had secured my environment sounding as best
as it could, I purchased a shotgun mic, and it wasn't a 416, but I
purchased one of the knockoffs and I actually hated it. I hated the
way it made my voice sound. But I found that once I got the 416 and
I had my environment, I love the way it sounds
And it's really interesting because before I was like, well I held
off getting a
it's why I got the TLM 103. And for me now I realize for my voice,
the TLM 103 is a little bit of a brighter sound. And the 416 will
pick up a little more of the bass sound, and that's typically true
for most voices. But again, until you try it, you're not gonna
really know, and it really has to be up to you. And again I think
sending sound audio files to engineers who have the ear, who this
is what they do, like Gillian, is really worth an investment to get
the overall assessment on yes, this mic is good for you. Or also it
will help you to determine if maybe
like how many times, I think we talked about this, Gillian,
somebody might have had the installation of their mic backwards,
and they were speaking into the back of the mic versus the front of
the mic.
Gillian: Yeah.
Anne: A lot of times people don't sidedress their mic, right?
They're speaking right into it. So there's a lot of plosive. So
there's a lot of things that, Gillian, you can help talent to
assess with their sound. And most people think it might be a mic
problem, it may not be a mic problem.
Gillian: Yeah. Sometimes it's really simple stuff. Your room sounds
really loud because your gain is up too high and you're not close
enough to the mic. So it's picking up everything. Or it's on omni
when it should be on cardioid, or you're facing the wrong way.
There's so many things that someone listening could hear if you
have a trained ear. Before we go, I know we have to go very soon,
but don't forget your pop filter for your
Anne: Ah yes.
Gillian: So important.
Anne: Oh my gosh.
Gillian: I know you have like the pop filter shield sort of thing.
That's what it looks like. Looks like you have, if you're using an
interfacing mic, you need an XLR cable to connect the two. So
how are you gonna get from mic to interface from point to the
other? So you get your mic, you get your interface, you don't have
an XLR cable, you can't work. A mic stand. So important. What are
you gonna do do without a mic stand?
You can't hold it.
Anne: Well, exactly. You really can't. And I think that again, more
equipment besides your mic stand, I actually prefer
this is just me, I always tell my students for me and my studio, I
like the boom arms that can be mounted on the wall. Because a mic
stand to me, I can't tell you how many times I've heard talent like
trip over the tripod-like feet.
Gillian: Oh my gosh. Lemme show you my cute little
Anne: With their mic. Yeah.
Gillian: I have this like, everyone watching, this like cute little
baby stand that I just put on my desk. I think that those are
really smart, the ones that clip right on. This little guy just
sits on my desk and I can take
Anne: Okay. Well, that's if you're sitting at a desk. But if you're
standing and you have one of those tripod-like standing mic
Gillian: They're hard to maneuver. Yeah.
Anne: They're hard. They're hard to fit in a lot of studios. I used
to trip over mine all the time, so I basically have boom arms that
I mount on the wall in my studio. They save a lot of space at my
feet when you don't have a ton of space. And also, like you said,
you can't hold it. And then we do need to mention the most
important thing from the mic, right, that goes into your audio
interface, your audio interfaces, and then everybody has questions.
What's the best audio interface? Now I have been through the gamut
of audio interfaces, but the main job of your audio interface is to
translate the analog signal that comes from your microphone into a
digital signal before it goes into the computer. Correct,
Gillian: That's what it does. And typically it does both. It does
the analog to digital conversion and then most audio interfaces
have a headphone jack. So really we monitor off our computers, but
you can monitor off of there where it goes digital right back to
analog for you to listen to.
Anne: Oh right. Absolutely. I wasn't even thinking of that. You're
right, because that's where my headphones are plugged in all the
time. I started, gosh, I started with the Personas. And I'm trying
to remember, I think I probably at one time had a Scarlet
Focusrite, which I don't love those interfaces
and I know we had a conversation in one of our podcasts about
interfaces. I then, when I bought my studio here, I have a Mackey
because I was intending to be able to do talk back to people in
this booth to rent this booth. And ended up having a technical
issue with that, which I sent it, it got fixed, it was under
warranty that is now my backup interface.
And then I purchased an Apollo. And my Apollo, I have a mostly love
relationship with my Apollo because of the plug-ins that work with
it, which I absolutely love. But however, when we talked in our
last episode about computer and keeping your computer up to date,
well the
latest version of Mac OS is not up to date with the latest version
of the Apollo. So you just have to make sure that you are aware of
what's happening. The one that I recommend in terms of like a
really great price, and I think works for the majority of people is
the Steinberg UR22. And that is like about a hundred and — I wanna
say $170. And I had one that I used for years, and it was just a
workhorse and I love it. And that does all of the conversion,
versus Gillian, if I'm correct, in saying with a USB mic, the
conversion happens at the base of the microphone, right? So
converting analog to digital. So there's a chip there that's doing
that conversion.
Gillian: The biggest difference between the two is that when you
use an interface, the mic just gets to be a mic, but within the USB
mic it's all happening. And usually you'll see a little headphone
jack too. It does A to D and then D back to A
Anne: Yeah.
Gillian: You pay less and you get everything is gonna be slightly
lower quality because you're paying for
Anne: You gotta fit into a tiny, little
Gillian: — a microphone — all of the conversion, all of those
things in one small device versus, you know, separating them out.
So that's kind of where don't use USB mic comes from just because
you can get higher quality with the separate.
Anne: You have so many more choices. Right? Because you can have a
Focusrite or a Steinberg or an Apollo.
Gillian: You get to mix and match.
Anne: And you can have whatever microphone you want
connecting up to it.
Gillian: The other thing that I love about that is that there's
room to upgrade. So let's say you wanna splurge on a really
expensive mic and you're, just, you know, oh, I wanna start with
this interface. Or vice versa. You wanna splurge on an Apollo for
$1000, but you wanna use a $200 microphone and then say I'm gonna
wait a couple years and then upgrade. Personally I've used Apollos,
I've used UAD. I kind of struggle with the software issue even
though I've used the plugins. They're awesome. I like Focusrite
stuff. I like the Scarlets. I think it's great. I think voice
actors really only need one input, possibly two. If you wanna have
two mics set up just to switch between, you know, a shotgun and a
large diaphragm condenser, if you want
at the same time. I like Apogee as well. The Apogee Solo and the
Duet, those are great too. Those work really well. So those are my
Anne: I'll just disagree with you on the Scarlet only because I've
just had a lot of voice talent that have had bad luck, and I think
mostly it's
and I myself have thrown away two of them. And I think mostly a few
years back, I think they used a bad chip set. I'm not sure what it
was. Or they created these bundles where you got headphones,
microphone, and interface all in the same package. And I think they
used lower quality parts. And what would happen is voice actors
would find, all of a sudden they'd get some sort of a noise or
hissing, and nobody knew what it was, and it ended up being the
interface. So for me that just kind of, I tossed that one to the
side and said, I'm not gonna recommend that one anymore. But
Scarlet, typically Focusrite had an impeccable reputation there for
a while until I ran into bad luck with it past few
I think if you buy a bundled package,
meaning from a manufacturer or something, especially at Costco, as
much as I love Costco, right, there are packages made, packages
that are made for Costco. Sometimes they use cheaper parts in
those, and sometimes you'll find that the quality won't last as
long. Sometimes though you'll buy stuff at Costco, not necessary
technical equipment, but you'll find things at Costco that's
than you would find at other stores. But that's just my personal
Gillian: I see. I've never had any bad experiences with Focusrite.
I've used the larger hardware as well, the professional studio
models of stuff. And those sound amazing. I think I've had a lot of
friends and myself who've used the Scarlet interfaces and haven't
had issues. So, that's my experience. And it's so funny, I've been
wondering why people don't recommend bundles because I wouldn't buy
audio gear from Costco
But there's a few places, like Sweetwater is my favorite place to
buy gear.
Anne: Yeah, but they’ll bundle individual pieces together. Now, I'm
talking about manufacturers that create whole bundled sets of
things together.
Gillian: Well, Sweetwater is awesome. And B and H, they also have
some great bundles. And with Sweetwater specifically, if there's a
bundle you like, but there's a piece of gear you don't like, you
can reach out to them personally and swap it around and get a
discount from sort of buying in bulk. And they have some pre-made
stuff so that if someone was trying to set up their home studio,
didn't know where to start, it gives you a little place to get
Anne: And one thing I will say before we go, one thing that I love
about Sweetwater is you get tech support. Oh my God, that is like
unheard of these days. Like if you don't know, if you're having a
problem installing the interface, you can call them up and get
help. And that to me is invaluable.
Gillian: They're amazing,
Anne: They're wonderful to work with. So.
Gillian: Yeah. Very knowledgeable. I love Sweetwater. It's my
favorite place to put my money. I have a few friends that work
there as well, and all of their employees are highly trained and
they know
Anne: Very educated
Gillian: — about the gear. It's like a prerequisite to work
Anne: Wow. We could go on forever, but, uh…
Gillian: We could.
Anne: Good stuff, Gillian, thank you so much.
Gillian: Thank you. And for anybody who is interested to get your
audio assessed by me, I know we did a few episodes about it, but if
you missed them, you can just head to my website, GillwiththeG.com.
It'll, I'll be linked down here and I have some audio assessments.
I have a little free course on, on setting up your home studio and
a few blog posts or a bunch of blog posts just talking about
different audio things if you're interested in learning
Anne: Awesome guys.
Gillian: So hungry for knowledge,
Anne: And Gillian is a BOSS. Otherwise, she wouldn't be on the BOSS
— she wouldn't be, she wouldn't be on the BOSS podcast. Anyways
guys, here's a chance to use your voice to make an immediate
difference in our world and give back to the communities that give
to you. Visit 100Voiceswhocare.org to commit. You guys
oh, and a big shout-out, before I forget, to ipDTL, who is our
sponsor. You too can connect and network like BOSSes. Find out more
at ipdtl.com. You guys, have an amazing week and we'll see you next
week. Bye.
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